Ukraine LC Debates, Arguments and Terrible Memes

this is some funny shit

Not as funny as you be worried about be conscripted / your services required to repair the wounded in Ukraine. Glad to hear you haven’t been called up, yet.

lol churchill you need to be a little more subtle if you want to get a real reaction.

Huh? Nukes can be in the air within minutes.

This (nukes) is also what I think is wrong with your argument. I agree that all else being equal Russia prefers to control the entry points an army might use, but I disagree that this is a major consideration. The Russia of the past did not have a massive nuclear arsenal. That is now the major strategic asset preventing a ground invasion of the Motherland.

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Fair point. Otoh, maybe there’s a value to a defensive strategy that doesn’t require armageddon?

Thanks for showing the difference Churchill. Your wikipedia image cuts off a bit towards the end unfortunately, but I’m glad you’re pointing out how the USA has 9 aircraft carriers (which are generally thought of as much more powerful strategic assets than missile cruisers) younger than the most powerful ship currently in water for Russia (their one aircraft carrier is being refit right now). Four more are on the way too! Russia isn’t building any.

Can you provide an update of the USA ships in a similar class? Because when I looked the modern ships of the USA navy at similar levels or above were numerous. Thanks in advance.

US Navy tech is pretty fascinating. We currently have 70 of these destroyers at 1.8 billion per ship which seem pretty similar to the Moskva’s capabilities:

Seems like the USN doesn’t do much of the cruisers anymore for whatever reason.

Also currently have 3 of these ships at about 8b per ship:

Despite being 40% larger than an Arleigh Burke -class destroyer, the radar cross-section (RCS) is more akin to that of a fishing boat

Seems like that would have been helpful for the Moskva.

Also likely this entire class, despite being absurd, likely doesn’t fulfill much of a role when your navy has carriers. USA#1 lol

Happy to. I think these two are the newest in the world today.

Are we seriously doing a “my dad has bigger boats than yours” thing?

This explains a lot. I have no idea how you could process it.

churchill does this shit every other day where have you been?

US is still flying bombers originally built in like the 1960s if anyone wants to get some dunks in. Ofc they’re constantly refurbished and upgraded (much like the ships) so idk how that’s supposed to be a sick dunk.

And old, maintenance-refresh’d,
Fit for spring combat

rofl, no, we weren’t. I said something bad about the Russian navy that has been a spectacular failure, likely due to poor training and old equipment, then Churchill came in with a stupid ass troll, per usual.

As badly behind the times as the US military is, at least we’re not like the UK sending guys out there with pikes as if it’s the Middle Ages. They’re all like “Give us a kiss, love, I’m off to give the Dauphin a proper racket wiv’ me pokey-stick and me floral top hat.” And some of those guys look old enough to have fought at Agincourt. Inexcusable.



then you responded

then Churchill responds

then someone crys

then Churchill gets a temp ban

… per usual.

I have sunk
the boat
that was
in the Black Sea

and which
you were probably
for air defense

Forgive me
it was vulnerable
so antiquated
and so old


Yesterday I read that China was testing Taiwan’s air defence again. I also wached a documentary about the rise of China’s navy(which has now more ships than the US navy) from our french/german tv channel. Then you have the limited help of the West for Ukraine. To make it short: I fear if China attacks Taiwan and the USA wont intervene it will start a new nuclear arms race because I think every major country on earth will realize they will only be safe if they have nuclear weapons.

I think I was talking about if Americans were actually directly fighting Russia in Ukraine here. Yes, that would be incredibly dangerous, far more dangerous that what’s happening now. That’s not what happened though. Which is good.

I’m not familiar with these statements. Putin’s statements on 2/24 regarding Ukraine can’t really be read this way. When did Putin ever say that all of Ukraine rightfully belongs to Russia? At the beginning of the war he wouldn’t even say that they were trying to conquer Donbas!

I never said that Russia not meeting their objectives in the north would lead to nuclear war. I didn’t think that, and I don’t think that. I said that if Ukraine pushed Russia out of Donbas and Crimea, areas that they probably think of more or less as Russia, that could lead to serious escalations that are dangerous and unpredictable. I think Russia would only use nuclear weapons if their core interests are threatened. Whatever they were hoping to accomplish in the north wasn’t a core interest. Losing control of Crimea? That’s very different.