Ukraine Invasion 2: no more Black Sea fleet for you

Baby formula is the new homeless veterans.

He must secretly still be on Twitter. A trend I noticed starting a few weeks ago with a few randoms: tweets complaining about money going to Ukraine when we can’t pay for x in the US.

The number of almost identical tweets increased, then spread to blue checkmarks, then to GOP politicians, and today I heard the conservative pundit on the PBS NewsHour say the same thing. Gotta concede nobody can smell the bullshit in the air better than Trump.

Because the US govt definitely has only $40B of discretionary spending.

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Or it’s Russian troll farm same as always?

I guess. To dip into conspiracy theory territory, Trump’s interests just happen to align with Putin’s an awful lot of the time.

Why does America do X (that they don’t want to do) instead of doing Y at home (that they also don’t want to do) is a great fallback. Abbot jumped on “why are we feeding migrant babies in custody while American babies starve” than I thought was humanly possible.

The other one they’re workshopping is that Biden is sending all the formula to the border to give to the illegal babies.

if it’s not binary, then trump is wrong. Are you really going to go so far into contrarian mode you’re going to defend trump?

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I have a baby formula hot take (screaming hot, considering I have no real relevant experience or knowledge) but this probably isn’t the thread for it.

And why did cutting the COVID money make it easier for the Ukraine aid to pass?

man + woman = baby. It’s not a very complicated formula.


Because they’re in on it.

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lol k victor


Nuance is so hard, isn’t it?

Dems are in on protecting corporate interests and the wealthy, not Vladimir Putin’s Russia.

Do you understand what “It’s not binary” means?

Look at this real, true, pure left poster side with getting upset about formula going to migrant babies.

I’ve never in my life seen a poster on a forum just pound away with bad arguments that have already been refuted like Vict0ar.

Just complete denial of the facts. His commitment to quadrupling down on his bullshit and gaslighting is impressive.

Maybe if you guys stopped taking the bait…


yes he’s wrong. although it is perfectly rational for him to use any opportunity to be contrary to biden for electoral chances, i would not discount the primary reason being trmp’s own weird vendetta against ukraine vis-a-vis impeachment.

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