Ukraine Invasion 2: no more Black Sea fleet for you


There is someone in this world who would love more than anyone else for this soldier to be publicly tortured in the worst possible ways by Ukrainian forces.

He scores a ton of goals whenever he plays hockey.

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Yeah, I knew all along Sid Crosby is a bloodthirsty monster.

sorry immigrants, there’s no room

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this video of drones just picking off soldier, ending with a shot through a moonroof of a car, is terrifying

I get that you’re trolling, but I’m honestly fascinated by lots of things that are best described as the extremes of human experiences (I think this is a Dan Carlin phrase). Especially things like the Chernobyl, Donner Party or WW1 (where people rode on horseback into machine gun nests ffs). Think lots of people are.

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This aged poorly.

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Jesus. The music selection. Fuck.


meh I’m actually interested in what other people think on that kind of stuff.

I am too, just found it amusing.

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Victor has a lot of bad takes. But “hey guys. Maybe we shouldn’t revel in watching people die for fun” isnt one of them.


Is this real? None of it makes any sense.

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First off, if victor said something like that he wouldn’t be victor. Don’t gaslight us all by making victors positions in not his special way of communicating.

Second… no one is doing that.

this is the ragtag unit that retrofitted consumer drones with simple grenade munitions.

if you want real high-production war porn, you could watch russian grads incinerate tens of millions of rubles per minute. or those grads hit condominium buildings.

As sure as I can be. There’s tons of videos of these drones dropping unguided munitions on targets out there. Seems like drones are the new terrifying battlefield weapon, because I’m pretty sure this is one of those cheap nothing ones.

USA is currently supplying Ukraine with the switchblade loitering munitions that carry anti-tank level ordinance that is guided.

Give it another 20 years and wars will involve fully automated drones.

Seems like all these videos have a mandatory godafwul soundtrack.

how do you know i feel good when i’m watching this?

and by the way Voronoi was from Ukraine Georgy Voronoy - Wikipedia


I am surprised they can survive a direct hit like that. They also seemed to care very little about helping their wounded.

I doubt any of the men in the car survived.