Ukraine Invasion 2: no more Black Sea fleet for you


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What a nice lady



I found this a lot more interesting than I was expecting. ymmv

We all know what that means.

We need a meme based on that old MAD-Magazine scheme about what people say but really mean. Like:

When a Russian official says “I hope Transnitria isn’t drawn into Russian-Ukraine conflict so Moscow isn’t forced to intervene there.”
they really mean “Transnitria will shortly be drawn into Russian-Ukraine conflict; Moscow is forced to intervene there!”

Russia stopped gas deliveries to Poland and Bulgaria.

This report on how Ukraine survived the early part of the war was prepared for the UK MoD. The highlight so far is VDV Lieutenants talking about attacking Hostomel on unsecured communications, which allowed the AFU to prepare a defense of that sector. There’s a reason the Kremlin didn’t tell the troops where they were going.


The attacks were simple but effective, targeting the signal control cabinets essential to the functioning of the railways, members of the activist network said. For days on end, the movement of trains was paralyzed, forcing the Russians to attempt to resupply their troops by road and contributing to the snarl-up that stalled the infamous 40-mile military convoy north of Kyiv.

The saboteurs drew inspiration from an earlier episode in Belarusian history, during World War II, when Belarusians opposed to the Nazi occupation blew up railway lines and train stations to disrupt German supply lines. The Rail War, as it is known, is venerated as a moment of triumph for Belarus, taught in schools as the most successful of the tactics deployed by resistance fighters that eased the way for Soviet troops to drive the Germans out.


Any time someone phrases their defense as “The person I know/knew wouldn’t do that”, they’re pretty much admitting the person in question probably did it.

it’s not really a new word. A leader of chechen rebels, Dudaev, had used it in an interview the 90s, and i am sure he’s not the only one. i’ve heard people use both forms. there might be some differences whether the speaker wants to focus on aspects of russian “fascism” vs russian “racism”, but they are both there.

i had read that american sigint had known about the Hostomel VDV move prior to the invasion, and shared that intel with ukraine. but this might also have been a factor.

Headline doesn’t make Stone out to be so bad, more of those out of touch movie start types who talk to a dictator twice at some swanky reception and then declare they’re best friends and the dictator’s always been cool to them

But in the article

Stone described a Russia that has been “reduced and mutilated” following the collapse of the Soviet Union, with large numbers of Russians living in other territories. According to him, the US had a long-term plan to place a pro-Western, anti-Russian government in Ukraine “when Ukraine had always been neutral, with democratically elected governments.” The goal of this plan, said Stone, was to turn Ukraine into a useful antagonist of Russia, something which he said has been achieved with Ukrainian President Volodymir Zelenskiy.

The movie director suggested that the ultimate goal may have been to destabilize Russia and change the regime there, “to take Putin out and put in another [Boris] Yeltsin.” Stone, who noted that there were Ukrainians who fought for Hitler during World War II, also described the US as “an attack dog” that will not stop at Russia and could later target China. He deplored the way that Russia is being depicted “as the bad guy” and the US as “the good guy.”

My man that’s Russian line hook line and sinker.

stone hd more than a passing interaction with putin. he released a whole documentary, that took months to compile.

somewhat comically, those were the interviews where putin showed stone some military operation on a smartphone, but it turned out to be a video game or something.

Had been missing/hiding out. Cause as yet undetermined but Columbo would already be oh one more thinging Putin.

This is so confusing. So Russia is basically your dumb cousin that was always the first one out of Risk and Monopoly and never won at Stratego or checkers. Nobody had it in them to teach him chess.

They are rolling around like it’s WW2 and there is no instant communication. Idk, maybe they thought the Ukrainians were really liberated and not reporting their every movement.

It’s kind of no wonder oil/gas people and their bankers get found dead all the time.