Ukraine Invasion 2: no more Black Sea fleet for you

Kleptocracy wrapped in the cross and the flag.

I am pretty sure similar things have been happening in Luhansk, Donetsk, Kherson (also carrying Russian flags - one of the myths Russia is trying to spread is that Ukraine does not exist after all) … so I think it is quite significant, that this is in Russia. Thank you for posting it.

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Yeah like I said, I was in Managua during the big Nicaragua protests in 2018, and saw a pro-Ortega rally that by everything I read was mandatory for all govt employees. I assume they got the day off to be there.

Everyone either had an FSLN (the original Sandinistas, who all want nothing to do with Ortega now) flag or a Nicaragua flag, split exactly 50/50. Minders circled around the whole group to keep them herded in a tight ball and I assume to make sure they were participating enthusiastically. Everyone looked to be in their 30s or 40s and a lot pudgier than your average protest crowd. IE - typical govt employees the world over.

I think of the stupid corporate crap I’ve had to attend, and multiply by 10.

Welp… so much for that

Why the ammunition for German military vehicles is manufactured in Switzerland is beyond me.

Happier times

So I guess the most likely scenario is Russia is trying to take all of Donetsk and Luhansk (and UKR knows this of course), which I think means they’re going to give up Kherson and Melitopol at some point.

Mariupol is in Donetsk oblast (state), which may explain why UKR has always fought so much harder for it than say Kherson. And why it’s so important to Russia. It does seem if Russia’s objective all along was taking the Donbas, UKR was always aware of this.

But now the police departments will be left behind undefended

Yeah I’m sure this isn’t just political bullshit. Both countries REALLY want to donate that ammunition. But damn rule of law keeps getting in the way.

That’s crazy. When I was in Nica one time (I believe 2008) there were mass demonstrations between FSLN and PLC in Managua, and there was definitely no astroturfing going on. Buses and entire towns would all be draped/painted in either FSLN or PLC colors, and there were violent skirmishes during the demonstrations. It was hard to find a bus during because the whole country had gone to the capital.

Having a despot really rots away political life. I’ll bet Nica is head to toe draped in FSLN now, by force.


The designated scapegoats have been disciplined

Because mother and infant is the future of any country. The thing we hold most dear to us.

But to grab most Americans’ attention they’ll need to focus on the loss of money, industry and investments.

Do they have these forms at the post office? Renew your driving license, apply for benefits, join NATO. Be careful which form you pick or you could be on the hook for 3% of your GDP.

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Post office forms aren’t this big:

It figures that a questionnaire from the EU would somehow be 2 phone books


What could or would a candidate country even divulge that the EU doesn’t already know?

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I don’t know what Ukraine’s favorite color is.


And they’re white. Not sure Iraqi mothers and infants had the same effect.