Ukraine Invasion 2: no more Black Sea fleet for you

Right, another thing that is 100% equivalent to commanding an army. Do you have anything of actual relevance to the discussion at hand?

Yes (as always). Do you guys realis(z)e you’re 24hrs behind the rest of the world with the commentary?

Man we’re looking for some attention today huh?

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Hey, it took you guise 3yrs to catch up with Maria… obvious is obvious.

6 posts were merged into an existing topic: About Moderation

The biggest open question to me seems to be if Russia will hold the Azov coast including Kherson forever. No one seems to know the answer to that. Some seem to assume yes. Some seem to assume absolutely not.

Russia could advance zero in the Donbas from here, and the Kherson and the Azov coast would still be a gigantic prize. Maybe they sign a peace treaty where they trade the Azov coast for the rest of the Donbas. (btw Donbass is the Russian spelling - bad spelling)

I don’t know whether to believe this stuff for sure, but Ukraine usually tries to be pretty accurate. Almost every day for the last week, Ukraine says they’ve shot down several Russian planes. I don’t go look them up each time. But isn’t the SU-35 the shiny new fighter? That can’t be sustainable right?

The shiny new one is the SU-57 but isn’t in mass production yet. The SU-35 is the latest one that is in wide use. Russia only 100-150 of those AFAICT.

On Thursday German weapons producer Rheinmetall has formally applied for a permit to sell 98 Marder IFV including ammunition and training to Ukraine. It will be interesting how the Scholz administration handles this.

Before anyone gets to excited Rheinmetall expects to have 20 available in 6 weeks, another 23 in 6 months and the rest by the end of the year.



Now I’m like welp, better post everything I see on twitter, lest churchill come in claiming he’s got a huge scoop and annoy everyone.

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Churchill will post the BBC article on it in 4 days.


Still trying to decide on the Russian TV standing vs American TV sitting. I’m leaning towards standing is better

Guys I think we found what’s wrong with Putin. I’ve seen enough.

I could never be a Russian propagandist. My back hurts if I stand in one place for too long.

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Need more info.

How long is too long?

oh shit, what will happen to q if russia falls? has anyone thought about how the yoga vegan q-urious influencers going to get paid???


10-15 minutes I can feel it. After 30 I want to sit down for a bit. If I can lean it’s not so bad. So those podiums they have might help.

I tried custom orthotics which gave me more arch support and seemed to help. But then I got plantar fasciitis not long after so I don’t wear those anymore.

Standing still is not that important to me. Walking/hiking is, and I can do that all day (except for when I had plantar fasciitis).