Ukraine Invasion 2: no more Black Sea fleet for you

The Russian military.

S coming off like a raging dem. “when I’m back I’ll write a whole volume of reports”


The Ukrainians have so much spirit. Just looking at them gives you strength. They are not afraid, they share everything, they joke around, but also they are very sharp and willing to fight anywhere anytime. It’s impossible to win against a country like that.

When I think about the Ukrainian volunteers who joined the fight after the invasion started, the two words that come to mind are “stupid brave.” Ukrainians are stupid brave. Give them a gun and they will go fight. That can be good and bad, but it’s better to be motivated to fight without skill, than to have skill and be afraid to fight.

One thing that I liked was that no one asked, “Why are you here?” Everyone understood that I was there to fight against evil.

I bet those things burn like a gallon a minute when they’re moving like that.

Donations came in quickly at first. Some were made online via the group’s donation page. Others came in the form of supply purchases. One donation came with an odd request: A man who gave $30,000 asked if a van driver could collect his Porsche summer tires from his Kyiv home and somehow deliver them to his summer home in France. “I don’t know how I’m going to get it there, but I’ll figure it out,” Salov said. “Tomorrow evening they’ll be in France.”

Fuck you rich asshole that wants someone to go get
some Porsche tires in a country at war. It’s not like if you’re donating 30k you couldn’t find a new pair of tires somewhere else.

Somebody’s gotta use all that oil Russia can’t sell.

It’s from the Trump Furniture Collection.



Maybe they’re “tires”. Or have something inside them.

More tanks than Russia. And Biden said the US has supplied 10 anti-armor weapons for every Russian tank.

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Fires are happening.

No word on whether climate change is a factor.


Another one dead

So whats the difference between us giving tanks to Ukraine compared to Slovenia giving tanks to ukraine and us giving tanks to Slovenia? In both cases we have less tanks afterwards.

The US doesn’t have T-72s to give.

us = Germany

Germany doesnt have T72 either but the argument was that we cant give tanks because we wont be able to fulfill our commitments and decrease our ability to defend.

Assuming there are some old East German T-72s available, the shell game way will probably piss off Russia less.

I haven’t heard of Germany giving anyone tanks.


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