Ukraine Invasion 2: no more Black Sea fleet for you

Maybe! Would be pretty brilliant to break a couple of mock ups and park them right next to a bunch of real fighters so that your enemies assume the whole thing is a Potemkin village.

Why am I supposed to think those aren’t real jets?

dummies are a lot less effective for modern satellites, than for ww2 recon planes. it’s now 1000x more pixels, multiple times an hour, overlayed with non-visible wavelengths.

it’s relatively common to scrap some planes for parts. i haven’t seen many of whole wings and tails detached, but those look like Mig 25’s, which are pretty old, ended their production run almost 40 years ago. absent some other smoking gun, that just looks like normal airforce operation. probably should do those repairs in a hangar though. those are valuable assets.

Something else from CNN youtubes is that though the Russians make “take” Mariupol, they’re going to continue to be sniped at from every direction. Control will be tenuous.

The US: no we don’t really know what happens to the weapons after we give them to Ukraine, but it’s pretty safe to say they’re going into the war effort.

Media: ZOMG US can’t track the weapons they’re giving Ukraine!

I guess I missed the part where weapons need a full chain of custody even after being handed over to a sovereign government.

The bad news: US is sending weapons via the USPS


that’s weird, were we not just told there are special ops all over the place in ukraine? can’t they track javelins?

fwiw, i believe switchblades can ping back and provide some accounting when they are deployed. javelins probably not.

Probably not a huge priority for them.

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I dunno, but OSINT Twitter seems pretty good at tracking what they hit.

They’re doomed.

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Incredible thread


How would this work in theory w/o the third party country risking massive loss of equipment and life and getting sucked into the war? The Russians control all the land and still have plenty of firepower in the Black Sea right?

Weren’t France and Greece talking about doing a joint Mariupol rescue operation a couple weeks ago?

Maybe the 3rd party could guarantee the Ukrainian marines would not be permitted to return to participate in the war for some period of time in exchange for Russia allowing them free passage out of Mariupol. Problem is they’re at Putin’s mercy and that’s a really, really bad place to be.

Scott Stevens would be more suitable in this situation

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Haven’t seen any details. Good, but how much real difference will a few more fighter jets make? And there were unfulfilled previous promises.

People are saying the planes have been delivered. If these are the Polish MiGs from before, there would be a little more than 20 MiG-29s. There were more possible donors though.

It would be great if these things are already in there and flying. Maybe those Russian heavy bombers will sit out.

They won’t do much offensively but they can make a huge difference in protecting supply lines to the east. Russian planes will not enjoy having to dodge both ground AA weapons and fighters while flying over Ukraine controlled territory. Even better if those fighters are guided by US AWACS planes which is a distinct possibilty.

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