Ukraine Invasion 2: no more Black Sea fleet for you

Afaict, pure rumor at this point. This account is parody, but still.

another day, another war crime by putin, all in hopes that russians will mobilize themselves before the economy runs out.

quite a situation that russian opposition is forced to stand against ukraine and in defense of russian citizens who may be catching retaliatory strikes and collateral damage. let me be on record saying that i will gladly donate money for UA FPV drones, to strike at russian forces both within ukraine and in russia all the way to moscow, even if it means it may kill people i know and people i know who are against the war, but afraid of repressions. a bottom-up uprising will simply not happen without imminent military and economic defeat.



Hugh Jackman’s 1876 character doesn’t understand that if he doesn’t clean up after his dog someone else will have to.

I have to take care of the lawn and it’s disgusting when people leave poop for me to pick up. If they’re going to do that why don’t they take their dog across the street where I’m sure the state of Utah or LDS church will be happy to collect all the dog shit they can deliver.

“I would gladly murder innocent people” is certainly a take

This shit is so fucked up. It’s like they’re incrementally reverting to Stalinism.

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geez, at least put an ellipsis in there, instead of quotes, because the meaning changes. plus, i trust general syrskiy with these decisions more than i would trust myself. and so far evidence points to russian forces of deliberately targeting civilians without explanation, while ukraine hasn’t been able to spare munitions on targets without a military purpose.

i’m sure after three years of war, everyone thinks they are experts at trolley problems thousands of miles away, but alas, we are only experts at repressing our own reactions to collateral damage according to our biases. war is hell. ukraine has to fight back.

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