Ukraine Invasion 2: no more Black Sea fleet for you

I omitted the images.

I’m not convinced. Need Elon to weigh in.

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Nielsen being totally reasonable. He says no false flag. I give his view a lot of weight.

But I don’t completely discount alternative takes, wild as they may be.


you are never going to guess where this us serviceman turned up

Georgian MP not messing around.


The House bill passed. Now back to the Senate. Biden is waiting.


The CNN article says only that this is “likely”. It would be significant. It’s important for Ukraine to take out the Kerch bridge this year, before Russia completes a new railway to Crimea.

is 300km enough to threaten the crimean bridges?

Should be in range from Zaporizhzhia.

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It’s done. Senate has adjourned. Biden should sign immediately and hardware begin moving.


Wonder if Ukraine has any big plans ready in Russia / Kerch Bridge / etc that they been holding back on for fear would be deemed too escalatory by Rs and endanger the bill.

Who knows but stabilizing their defense asap is probably the most important thing rn.

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Unlikely as they failed to gain ground in their last offensive when they still had plenty of supplies and support. Like Devil says they need this to stop the Russians from gaining ground and to improve their defence against drone attacks destroying their infrastructure.

Yeah if I was Ukraine I would be thinking about how to stretch these resources as long as possible. Only consider more offensive uses if/when November has passed with a good outcome in both the legislative and executive bodies of US government.

And even if Democrats win a trifecta this year, if US falls into recession or something there will be a lot of political pressure to reduce foreign aid including Ukraine.

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Interesting, though they don’t seem to have used them yet. Maybe it’s a way of saying the current shipment is not an escalation since they are already there.

If they used ATACMS in the airfield attack last week, they could have done it with the shorter range version. It seems surprising that S300/400 systems could be taken out that way. But good.

Edit: this article says I’m wrong about not having used them

The U.S. had refused to confirm that the long-range missiles were given to Ukraine until they were actually used on the battlefield and Kyiv leaders approved the public release. One official said the weapons were used early last week to strike the airfield in Dzhankoi, a city in Crimea, a peninsula that Russia seized from Ukraine in 2014. They were used again overnight east of the occupied city of Berdyansk.

Putin just launched his offensive towards Kharkiv and now this. No real idea what it means but Shoigu might want to avoid planes, windows, and tea.

So this is like Jerome Powell as head of the joint chiefs?

Last week Mark Galiotti’s podcast covered a recent internal shake-up, including corruption charges against a senior military guy. I think he considered Shoigu safe in his position. Maybe the military is complaining.

edit: it might be a promotion?

Idk. Only thing sure rn is somebody is gonna get left without a seat when the music stops.

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