Ukraine Invasion 2: no more Black Sea fleet for you

Are there not a similar amount of Nazis in Russia? I’ve been exposed to enough neo nazis here, the "white pride, jew/black hating crew and I’m getting vibes that they are all basically backing russia, or openly saying it, stating as they see Ukraine as “Western Liberalism”, parentheses and the shit, that needs to get destroyed.

lol at this dismissal of what is actually horrible policy. His post is 100% factual, sarcasm seems particularly ill fitting.

I’m sure there’s plenty of bigots in Russia but they wouldn’t call themselves Nazis probably. Like Russians probably don’t particularly associate Nazis with the Holocaust, which is understandable as that wasn’t really the focus of the German invasion of the Soviets. The Soviets/Russians hated the Germans/Nazis because the Germans were waging an explicitly genocidal war of extermination. Sure Hitler hated the Jews but he hated the Slavs at least as much. Understandably that’s the prism through which Russians see Nazism.

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It’s not sarcasm, that’s actual Western propaganda that’s been disseminated about the Russian/Ukraine war. Russia forming rape battalions with released prisoners is similar propaganda.

Russia is giving soldiers Viagra to rape Ukrainians: UN official

Ok but that’s not what EpicWestern claimed though.

Some light googling suggests there haven’t been other claims about Viagra. Hard to tell if it’s true or not imo, given the horrors Russians have committed against civilians in the war so far.

I mean, sure, war crimes are bad, I’ll concede that. But you know what’s really bad? Propaganda.


This feels like a new low somehow.

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Take the cruise missiles blowing up apartment buildings. Is Russia wasting a 2-10 million dollar guided missiles on purposefully terrorizing civilians? Maybe but I doubt it. They’re probably targeting what they think are militarily significant targets. Given the confusion of war I’m sure civilian targets are hit. US did the same thing, ask an Iraqi about US “surgical” airstrikes and I’m sure you’ll get some terrible (true) stories of civilian casualties and botched strikes.

Is uncritically repeating Western propaganda about the Ukraine war bad? Depends on who you ask.

Yeah, I’ll take the word of a reporter on the ground in Ukraine over your imagination.

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Smh is this real talk or just trolling?

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I see no reason to doubt that Keeed believes the things that he posts.

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One reason is that when he goes down a road and realizes he looks silly he just deletes his posts.

That plane is BREACHING (greater) Russian airspace.

Russia certainly has demonstrated military acumen in quickly disposing of a minor adversary.


One simple trick to avoid getting fucked by depleted uranium shells: Withdraw your tanks!

UK supplied UKR with depleted sheels months ago
