Ukraine Invasion 2: no more Black Sea fleet for you

You could never accuse this thread of either of those things.

You are welcome to prove me wrong and address it then.

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You can’t prove every ignorant opinion wrong, but you can point and laugh.

After expressing concern for my mental health, Bing says jumping from a height is the second leading method of suicide after guns, with about 1000 instances per year in the US. It’s not common, though. It only accounts for about 2% of suicides. Didn’t ask about hats.



Really the plane should be Mearsheimer telling them to just yield to the GREAT POWER.

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This analogy is a bit off. Yes of course USA#1 would be furious and would simply destroy Mexico in a calamitous and hyperbolically violent reaction. But the power differential between the US and Mexico is huge and Mexico knows that and acts accordingly. Is the relationship between Russia and Ukraine similar? Well yes in a way but that’s why it’s a bad analogy. Russia is the much more powerful country.

Are you sure?

Imagine if the US invaded Baja California, raping Mexican women and deporting Mexican nationals while moving in Americans. Should the response from Mexico be the same as the response from Ukraine vs Russia? Should the support for Mexico from the international community be the same as the support for Ukraine?

Is that the war aim of the US invasion: raping Mexican women? Framing the Russian actions in that way is transparent propaganda, which isn’t do say that rape hasn’t happened. But is it policy or something that inevitably happens generally in war?

If the US decides to destroy Mexico then Mexico is going to be destroyed. Look at what we did to Cuba. Vicious and crippling sanctions for 60 years and counting.

Yeah, there’s no way small nations like Afghanistan or Vietnam could ever stand up to the might of a Great Power.


Don’t forget the children.

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Terrorizing the Ukranian civilian population absolutely is Russian policy. Do you think all these missiles that hit apartment buildings simply missed legitimate military targets? Also releasing rapists from prison and putting them on the front lines is policy.


yeah I heard the Russian government even issues viagra in their C rations

Regardless, if Mexico ever did find itself in a war with the United States there is one thing that they most assuredly would not do: surrender and give up half their country.

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Looks like Ukraine has broken through the hardest trench line and is on the last one before a possible breakthrough

That doesn’t answer my question about what Mexico and the rest of the world should do?

Yeah I know

But would you agree it’s’ a better analogy?

No that’s why I ignored it