Ukraine Invasion 2: no more Black Sea fleet for you

Lol I stared at my monitor for like 30 seconds and almost omitted that last line but I live by the sword.

You could try thinking of it as a trolley problem. There is no good answer.

To add to what smrk said, there are a dozen or so countries ramping up artillery ammunition production now. If they had started earlier, CM might not have been an issue. Waiting might have worked out but Ukraine’s offensive didn’t progress as hoped and they changed their strategy. As a result, they need a lot more artillery ammunition.

For a sense of scale, the number of CM rounds being sent by the US is enough for a matter of days if they were used at the same rate of fire as Ukraine is currently using regular artillery ammunition.

It would be mostly used on Russian defensive positions in the countryside. The immediate risk to Ukrainians is mostly to their own soldiers and vehicles because they’d have to move through areas they just littered with unexploded bomblets. Everything is a trade-off. But the Ukrainians want this option.

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It probably is the case that the US is greedily holding on to ammunition it doesn’t need and could easily send. Clusterbombs seem like a shitty hand-me-down.

This is some wild stuff man. China hasn’t recognized the annexation of Crimea. Kazakhstan hasn’t recognized the annexation of Crimea. As of 2022, not even Russia itself recognized the DPR/LPR. Everything you are suggesting that the US might have done here is completely and totally unthinkable.

The argument that US/EU policy of seeking closer relationships with Kyiv made war inevitable by shifting the balance of power in ways that Russia was unable to accept is at least plausible, but the idea that there was a diplomatic off-ramp that the US chose not to pursue in late 2021 is just dumb.

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It was a very popular decision.

How about “forever war” ending?

But if you can distinguish between the foreign policy of Joe Biden, Vicky Nuland, Tony Blinken and Dick Cheney, Paul Wolfowitz, and George Bush I’d be interested in hearing how.


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The West made its bed. A tale as old as time.

Just think: if the Jews weren’t so successful then Germany wouldn’t have had to build the camps.

It’s all posture. Big strong braindead mofos on both sides. Preserve self

Quibbling about minutia at the war stage. There was a time for that

It was subtle, but I noticed this, too.

The Jews were just too provocative


You answered your own question.

The wrong people are saying it.

Also wookie, ikes et al don’t gaf how many people die when they’re so far away, and only want to chalk up a W against Russia because they’ve been brainwashed all their lives.

Question: Should the US have entered WWII, or just let Hitler do his thing and let the chips fall?

Full disclosure, I really wanted to chalk up a dub against Hitler. Sorry!!

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Maybe if you stopped calling people genocide supporters, you’d be taken more seriously, I dunno.

But maybe not:

“Russia is brutally slaughtering Ukrainians in captured territory so let’s raze the whole region and create generations of Ukrainian kids with limbs missing by sending cluster bombs, that’ll teach 'em” is your profound level of analysis here.

I shudder to think of what will happen when Putin is deposed and a PUPPET leader is installed by the US who is sympathetic to western interests such as Ukrainian self-determination.

Quiet parts out loud…

Killing kids is wrong whether or not the person saying it just figured it out or has been saying it all year.

Is there any real analysis here? Do we really expect Ukrainian children to be wandering around rural Ukraine in uncleared areas with uncleared UXO around? Seems like Ukraine just needs to avoid firing these things in heavily populated areas (likely a war crime anyways), and then clear the major battlefields of UXO of all types after the war.

It’s very unrealistic to expect Ukraine to just fight without cluster bombs. Both sides have been using them up to this point because they’re highly effective weapons. Landmines are similar. Hundreds of thousands of people have been killed in this war, including far too many children. It honesty makes more sense to think like SK that Ukraine should just have knuckled under to avoid war in the first place than it does to have a huge destructive war and then lose out of fear that the post-war battlefields will be slightly more dangerous and a couple hundred civilians will die after the cessation of hostilities. On the scale of the tragedies we’re talking about here (hundreds of thousands of war dead, dozens of millions of people denied the chance to have a representative government of Ukraine loses), the number of people likely to die from UXO after the war is just not that significant by comparison.

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“the Ukrainians”

All of them?

There’s a bunch of two year olds now who are going to lose limbs as 12 year olds in a decade. Have we got their informed consent to blow their legs off?