Ukraine Invasion 2: no more Black Sea fleet for you

was just about to post this. powerful stuff

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50/50! Your giving the Daily Fail way too much credit here

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The only guy on the Denver airport people mover not wearing a mask had a Z written on his ball-cap in sharpie.

They’re going to have to update the stamp

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They’re not even pretending to believe the lie about a fire.

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Biggest takeaway for me over the last 24 hours is that Russia’s navy is a bigger joke than it’s army. The flagship of their fleet is (er, was) a 50 year old brokeass Sanford and son boat


Wait until we find out their nuclear arsenal is in even worse shape and they find a way to accidentally nuke Moscow.

Yeah, really looks like for the entire cold war it served both American and Russian domestic politics to portray Russia as a roughly equal power. In reality it was never close, Russia was always a broke ass regional power (ok in the 50s-60s it did have some ability to project power beyond it’s immediate neighbors) but we all forgot it was mostly a useful fairy tale until now.


Lol I’m exactly the same. That was the first I’ve bothered clicking on. Didn’t realise it was half baked newsmax quality production.


Mariupol still not fallen apparently.

Horse denazifier… Ivanmectin?


if he denazifies, he denazifies

wonder per capita comparison with US rightwing crazies and their trip to rule.

Yeah this is a real possibility

no, don’t give them any clicks. you are in a much better place if you never encounter those douchebags.

So putting all the possible ifs together, the Ukrainians came out with that missile system just recently so it probably didn’t have a lot of testing. They only had one battery of missiles (that’s publicly known), that somehow has survived over a month of a Russian invasion. The Ukrainians wait until there’s a storm, which I imagine has got to fuck up their odds of even getting the missle there. They then either distract the boat with a drone or the drone’s directing the missiles. In either case they manage to sink the most powerful boat in the Black Sea and one of the most powerful boats in the Russian navy.

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ukraine is legend … wait for it…. darry!