Ukraine Invasion 2: no more Black Sea fleet for you

I hope they at least got out of listening to the speech…

yeah these appear to be separate incidents that got conflated by the news firehose

Accusation that Wagner gave that guy up to the Ukrainians.

Ex-commander of the 72nd brigade of Russian armed forces Roman Venevitin, who was previously captured by Prigozhin’s mercenaries, said the “Prigozhinites” handed over the coordinates of Delimkhanov to the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

Edit: But apparently it never happened?

The Head of the Chechen Republic, Ramzan Kadyrov has announced that rumors regarding the Injury/Death of Commander for the “Kadyrovites” and Russian Politician, Adam Delimkhanov by a Ukrainian HIMARS Strike are False and that he has just spoken to him be Phone, further stating the reason he “Created the Rumors” was to show how much the Ukrainian Media will “Lie.”

Yes, deportation of the ‘other’ is horrible. This is why I’m an international socialist.

I am glad your screenname and avatar expresses solidarity.

Some deportations are more equal than others

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On this day in 1941 refers june 14, a full week BEFORE barbarossa. when stalin and hutler armies were still fully allied, and doing roughly the same war crimes to tge people from occupied poland and baltics, (all while their respective commanders were plotting to stab each other in the back). and about two months away from fdr sending us weapons to ussr to defend itself and fix german armies on the eastern front.

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You can pick whatever example you like (Khashoggi or whatever), my point is that the US are allied with Ukraine to oppose Russia, not because they care about Ukraine. Within reason if Ukraine do stuff the US don’t like they will be like well, still in our national interest to be allies.

There are rational arguments to be made that blowing up the pipelines was in Ukraine’s national interest. One is a total war justification where hurting Russia’s economic interests hurts their ability to wage war. Another is that escalation arguably benefits Ukraine. For example, if Russia used a tactical nuke in Ukraine as retaliation, quite possibly China would be spooked enough to sign on to an anti-Russia coalition and impose economic sanctions, just as a random example.

Russia can also frighten Ukraine’s EU allies by just turning the tap off. The only justification for blowing them up instead is to avoid being seen as the bad guys, which I really don’t think is the style of Vladimir “let’s murder people with polonium” Putin.

this already happened prior to the explosion. EU didn’t blink, and was still considering banning russian gas entirely.

Nord Stream 1: How Russia is cutting gas supplies to Europe - BBC News

How has Russia restricted supplies?

Russia has been reducing gas supplies through Nord Stream 1 for a number of months.

In June, it cut deliveries through the pipeline by 75% - from 170m cubic metres of gas a day to roughly 40m cubic metres.

In July, Russia shut it down for 10 days, citing the need for maintenance. When it reopened, the flow was halved to 20m cubic metres a day.

In late August, it shut down Nord Stream 1 entirely, blaming problems with equipment.

The pipeline has not been open since then.

the justification for blowing up NS1 was to jack up the prices back to all-time highs of August 2022, and forcing EU to certify and open NS2.

a nuclear weapon exploding in ukraine is arguably a benefit to ukraine? this is lunacy. even a “small” nuke would create exclusion zones for decades or centuries.

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good point. we should all be so lucky


It’s obviously not lucky, but it wasn’t an exclusion zone for decades or centuries.

Of course that will be construed as me suggesting a nuke is ok. It’s not. Just correcting a very wrong statement. I forgot that knowing stuff was not anywhere near the point around here.


Your pic hardly falsifies his statement. There’s more than one kind of bomb out there, and it’s hardly clear that Russia wouldn’t want to use one that wouldn’t create centuries of exclusion.

His statement was that it “would” not that it “could” so you’re literally wrong as well as being dumb.


Ah yes, it is of the utmost importance to point out that a country that specifically designed nuclear weapons to make entire coastlines uninhabitable for decades with Cobalt-60 fallout must be given the benefit of the doubt that they might actually use one of the most primitive of nuclear weapons instead that doesn’t have such fallout, because they might not be such bad guys.

Hot take but I think having a nuke pop off in your country is a bad thing.


I think we need a poll.


Again, knowing stuff is just frowned upon. It’s about pledging allegiance. It’s the same thing in every thread with you guys.


It’s always heart-warming to be lectured by people who couldn’t place Ukraine on a map a few years ago and who take sides based on herp derp childhood indoctrination of Russia = evil.

That you think you’re telling him something he doesn’t know is exactly why you’re a dick.

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