Ukraine Invasion 2: no more Black Sea fleet for you

Hersh has broken more consequential stories than anyone alive. Like Mai Lai arguably isn’t even his biggest story. Who gives a shit what Nathan Ruser thinks. We all know what someone like Ruser would say about Mai Lai when it was broken. Or maybe you guys don’t, who knows.

If Hersh has better evidence than a single anonymous source, he can present it at any time. That would be more productive than just calling people idiots for daring to question his flimsy case. If he doesn’t, I’m not sure why I should give a shit about what he did 50 years ago.


Dude scolding journos can’t even take the time to get the spelling right.

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indeed, revealing himself as a someone with a single source with a russian point of view is arguably hirsh’s biggest story to date.

The thing about heroes is, they’ll let you down.

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I saw the video that was posted in this thread and was instantly like ‘wtf is this?’ This makes no sense to be flying in that location and the way it exploded also made no sense at all. Such an obvious false flag attack.

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Might be a dumb question - but when you abandon a tank or other armored vehicle, why open the hatches? Seems to just make it easier to destroy with a drone dropped grenade.


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Not Nathan Ruser, that guy would never

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more denials… :slight_smile:

I really feel like the US would do better than flying a drone into a rooftop


Only Russia would be that stupid

But didn’t we try to assassinate Castro with an exploding cigar?


Itshappening.gif or escalating threats to get resources?

“I declare on behalf of the Wagner fighters, on behalf of the Wagner command, that on May 10, 2023, we are obliged to transfer positions in the settlement of Bakhmut to units of the Defense Ministry and withdraw the remains of Wagner to logistics camps to lick our wounds,” Prigozhin said.

I can’t believe the US made that Russian guy do that.


He had no choice



solid psy-op, regardless if it’s a real intercepted phone call