Ukraine Invasion 2: no more Black Sea fleet for you


russia aimed to control parts of ukraine militarily, annexed some of them, and wanted the rest to be ruled by someone of their choosing. ie deny sovereignty.

Keeed do you still think Ukraine shouldn’t have just laid back and let it happen?

Or are you gonna go with the old tried and true “I never said exactly that in those words”?

Oh sure Russian leadership is guilty of the grave war crime of aggressive war. That has nothing to do with anything I’ve written though.

I don’t think the US should have gotten involved or supplied weapons to Ukraine. I don’t have an opinion on what Ukraine should have done, up to them.

that’s exactly what everyone remembers about you

Oh, sorry, thought you were saying something on topic. Carry on.

I’m legitimately confused. I agree with your post here:

Yes, that’s an accurate summary of what Russia did. How is your post at odds with this post:

You’re the only one not talking about Ukraine itt

I even recapped the flow of conversation a few posts up so you’re welcome to go back and read it. I didn’t intend to make this the “let’s talk about keed” thread, it was to make the point that keed is an example of someone who gets called pro-RU for not being sufficiently pro-UA. I didn’t think that you and CN and suzzer and Trolly would all descend on the thread to make it just about keed. I guess that’s my fault, huh.

If so, then I blame whoever was dumb enough to take the bait.

russia denied ukraine sovereignty and tried to spin it off as a legitimate fear of nato. in fact that’s not a legitimate view of international law, and the collective world should not let it just happen as you and measheimer keep repeating

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Hokie: hey, as an example of someone who gets attacked for not being pro-UA enough, consider if keed had said that

Everyone else: loses their minds, proceeds to make 50 posts about how terrible keed is

Like what the fuck guys, way to make my point?




Maybe we can use this derail as an example to get back to my original point: maybe the news and views shared in this thread tend to skew too far towards UA sources because people make the mistake of assuming anything that doesn’t repeat the most anti-RU talking point must automatically be pro-RU. Pretend I didn’t use keed as a hypothetical example of that and we can move on.

OK but that’s disagreeing about a course of action. We agree that Russia did this:

I think that the US shouldn’t have responded to this violation of Ukraine’s sovereignty by supplying arms to Ukraine. I understand that you don’t share my opinion but how in the world is this something that I’ve been proven wrong about and am unwilling to admit my mistake? It’s a difference of opinion!

keed ruined this thread multiple times, but what if this one time he could have been technically (the best kind of) correct?

yes we would have still trolled him. yes we still would have waited for confirmations of which rocket fell where.

Are we literally arguing about the hypothetical of what if keeed had posted that the rocket didn’t come from Russia during the period of less than a day that most of us thought it probably did?

Is this actually happening right now?

Just like he ruined it this time?

Gee, I’m shocked

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