Ukraine Invasion 2: no more Black Sea fleet for you

One could argue that the international sanctions against Dugin mark him as a legitimate target who provides meaningful support to the Russian war effort.

Probably because the CIA recently figured it out.

Yeah that’s them being performative. And the US is not at all the right country to be pointing fingers at people over stuff like this. We droned how many people in the middle east over the last two decades?

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Dude this is hella stupid… just like the Geneva conventions in 2022. Lol laws of war. It’s 2022 the law of war should be no fucking wars. You start a war you’re now shut out of the global economy and your enemy gets max financial and military aid. It ends with a new regime in your country and the original borders.

If Africa wants to redraw their borders at some point I’m obviously for that, but I don’t want them to fight it out either.

Totally plausible that it could be. Either a Ukrainian blabbed to a US agent or a Ukrainian said something on a tapped phone call

A better guess might be that this was intentionally leaked as a warning to knock it off to someone specific in the Ukrainian government who they just recently confirmed was in the loop for the decision.

Or that the US received Intel on another assassination attempt forthcoming and want to discourage it.


Solid 21st century propaganda.

Hope there’s a version in Russian.


It worked in WW2.

It got a hell of a lot of people killed. And then the germans did it when things were going the other way and it was a huge strategic blunder that led to losing entire armies that probably should have lived to fight another day.

The actual minutiae of what happened from 1942-1945 on the battlefield is like one long book titled ‘retreat: something totalitarian regimes really should get better at’.

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I wonder how that actually works - initial guess is it jams the signal on the drone, and the drone lands itself in response?

Seems like a dumber move by the US to leak it ir whomever leaked it.

Hi everybody.

The mod team is trying to cool things off around here and this thread has been a particular hot point so I’m going to pass along the warning Tilted issued in the Log of Moderator Actions:



Ban bleeding bad blood beefs


13 posts were merged into an existing topic: Ukraine LC Debates and Arguments

By the way, I’m likely going to move some of the recent discussions to the Ukraine LC thread as they are less news and more philosophical debates. Have errands to run, so likely won’t clean up till tonight.

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Your Pony got EDM4S C-UAS’d


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