Ukraine Invasion 2: no more Black Sea fleet for you

Unlike in Lyman, where there is a mix of Russian reservists, separatists and regular army forces, the area around Bakhmut is largely controlled by the Wagner Group, an infamous paramilitary force that reports directly to the Kremlin.

Ukrainian soldiers near the front say that Wagner’s ranks are bolstered by prison inmates from the separatist regions who were drafted into service. One Ukrainian soldier, who spoke on the condition of anonymity for security reasons, said Wagner’s forces attack only so far before sending inmates with little support forward to face Ukrainian guns like “cannon fodder.”

These tactics have left Ukrainian forces in the region with a flood of prisoners as the inmates frequently surrender. Another soldier, who also spoke anonymously, said Russian forces would not trade captured Ukrainian forces for inmates: the onetime Russian prisoners, now Ukrainian prisoners, are seen as deserters.

Ukrainian commanders in Bakhmut said recently that even the presence of U.S.-supplied rocket systems, known as HIMARS, have failed to put much of a dent in the Russian supply chain. That’s a marked change from Ukrainian commanders’ accounts over the summer when the weapons first arrived — suggesting that Russia had adapted to the strikes by better dispersing its ammunition stockpiles.

Seems the Russians have adapted to HIMARS as well

Nord Stream leaks are weird and sabotage doesn’t seem like it would benefit anybody.

your pony wasn’t given basic supplies, and died of a preventable wound

I can confidently say the US military or intelligence agencies did not blow up the pipelines.

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Did you do it?


Latest results on the referendum:


Lol, bad headline writing


has dark brandon conspiracy nuts connected the dots yet? anyone know where hunter was around time of explosions?

It’s Fox so their twitter guy is probably a Putin stan.

The Hunter for Red October?


to anyone interested, i am 2 lectures into current yale youtube course on modern ukraine. looks like 6 lectures sofar

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you can tell two different gas leaks on the video. also, this creates a spot where ships should not enter. the gas lowers buoyancy in water, and ships sink. tagging the seafaring @jmakin

so far most analysts are saying, russia is the only known state actor who has shown capability of doing this. norway-poland baltic pipeline opened today, so the timing is suspect.

fwiw, nord stream 2 isn’t pumping any gas (but there is still gases in the pipeline), so economically the blast isn’t an immediate problem. nord stream 1 was still pumping some gas, and rational considerations would dictate russia doesn’t necessarily want to blow it up.

oh, i suppose with a tinfoil on, and accounting for russia’s absolute dogshit record at doing special operations with submarines, maybe they planned on blowing nord stream 1 only, and force EU to unsanction nord stream 2. but blew up both in the process. yeah, i guess that’s the simplest explanation

wouldnt surprise me but idk. in general you avoid driving your boat into stuff that isn’t water, like big globs of kelp, etc.

Or marked with AIS beacons and navigation warnings, which the Danes set up.

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The pipeline was supposed to be rife with corruption, right? Maybe they just moved on to scamming the insurance companies.