Ukraine Invasion 2: no more Black Sea fleet for you

Reuters reported early on Monday, citing two sources, that some Taiwanese holders of Russian eurobonds have not received the interest payments due on May 27, indicating that Russia may be entering its first foreign debt default since 1918, despite having ample cash and willingness to pay.

Siluanov reportedly told Russian state-owned news agency RIA Novosti that the blockage of payments does not constitute a genuine default, which usually come as the result of unwillingness or inability to pay, and called the situation a “farce.”

Has anything like this ever happened before, where a country has the cash to pay a bondholder and tries to pay but is blocked by sanctions?


That certainly seems to under sell the depravity of this attack. A purely civilian target with more than 1000 people inside, attacked during the day. Ugh

Sends Ukraine migs and more tanks ffs.

How is this any different than the hospital they bombed in mariupol?

Is Putin trolling the West? What’s the tipping point if this continues? 500 kids burnt alive in a school jumping from windows on fire? A random FU is one thing but if this becomes status quo shits going to get very serious globally.

Putin’s been getting away with these kinds of atrocities for years. Maybe he assumes the West will continue to look th either way.

WTF, its the third day in a row of intentionally targeting civilians

Is Putin trying to induce the Ukrainians to attack Russian soil?

It might be simpler in that death and destruction makes him feel like he must be winning.

Reference is to this long thread on what may be the more important battle going on rn. It’s a few weeks old but Kaufman was saying similar stuff just a couple of days ago on the War on the Rocks podcast.


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Some crazy shit. Take a guy on his deathbed into custody?

(Story of spate of arrests is Russia is below the top story. They are going after prominent nondissenters who are open to the west.

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I feel we’ve heard this before.


It seems hard to tell who’s winning at this point. Obv Russian government will go full Baghdad Bob before they admit publicly things aren’t going well, but Ukraine will also be extremely selective in what they disclose to paint the picture they want and keep the morale up among their troops and populace.