Ukraine Invasion 2: no more Black Sea fleet for you

this may come as a surprise. the president in ukraine is not the commander-in-chief


Yeah, he should be involved in what’s happening with the military at a high level and should be aware of the situation, but PR is much more directly what his job is about. If the purpose of his being at the front in danger is PR that makes sense and if it helps morale it’s smart. He’s a politician and his background is professional actor, he shouldn’t be “running the military”.

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Oooh and another Russian general dead.

Is the US the only major country that kind of has this title/has the president “in charge” of the military?
I guess Russia is, but Putin controls everything so probably best to stick with democracies.

Well Canada still let’s the queen lead so tough to say

It’s a point. Initially the point was forcing an end to a war on the US’ terms. Then it was preventing an opponent from launching a nuclear first strike. And ofc it’s a deterrent to an attack of any kind, bc of the chances of escalation; as you say, this is the point of Putin’s latest threat.

But if attacked, there’s still a principle of proportionate response. So an artillery shell landing just over the border shouldn’t immediately provoke a nuclear response.

And if we are talking about artillery, the “long range weapons” NATO is supplying extend the range of what Ukraine currently has by ~30 km. That’s enough to hurt the Russians in the Donbas but not to reach Putin’s Kremlin offices.

NATO weapons are already deployed to strike Russia, just as Russia is prepared to strike NATO. Both sides have tolerated this for decades. A conventional attack should be met with a conventional and proportionate response. Only a nuclear attack should provoke a nuclear response.

Ofc in practice it’s best not to fuck around because none of this means anything if the guy with the button or the keys or codes or what have you decides otherwise. But we already are fucking around. It’s a dangerous game.


You don’t consider denazification a serious attempt to justify the invasion?

The Chinese tire guy (I think) has some unhinged thoughts about Starlink.


Oh man, that guy is an insta-follow. Elon’s Ukrainian Space Marines!


Probably about the best picture of the current Donbas situation as can be expected.

Good read. Ukraine’s tactics are grimly fascinating.

ukraine is also encroaching on kherson, so much so that russia is amassing a defensive force there from zaporozh’e axis and melitopol. while at the same time keeping the russian force from being able to move forces away from severodonetsk. everyone has been saying 2-3 weeks for awhile now, and it seems each week ukraine is holding stronger, so perhaps this is solid play and not FPS.

meanwhile american MLRS M270 was seen driving through poland. it’s getting close to that time.

I can’t judge the strategy but they’re not afraid to take big risks. I hope the new weapons make a difference but the numbers seem awfully small.

Artillery that outrages your opponent by a significant margin is devastating. It is not also about the amount of platforms they are sending but the amount of ammunition for them. Put 3 or 4 near the front near Donetsk and you suddenly threaten all kinds of supply routes.


I assume Putin’s intent is propaganda and blackmail. Executions aren’t going to help him.


Mearsheimer right now:

NATO aggression was the reason why Putin wants to claim land! So everyone that thought Putin was full of shit when he yacked about NATO… turns out Putin was full of shit!

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