Ukraine Invasion 2: no more Black Sea fleet for you

with iran now involved, seems like we are on the cusp of entering an actual world war?

Not unless other countries are going to be willing to join Russia by throwing their troops into a meat grinder.

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If those drones are $25K shouldn’t we/somebody be able to make $25K drones to take them out?

Very good read.

No more than we were when the US sent stuff to Ukraine.

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54 posts were merged into an existing topic: Ukraine War: You’re either with us, or against us!

If avoiding the mass murder of an entire city isn’t a “US interest” then who fucking cares about US interests.

I deleted it because it belonged in the Ukraine LC thread

More videos in the thread. One of pilot on the ground, still in ejection seat. (Both pilots survived.)

That’s a lot of materiel for it to be only a feint.

Yes, but it’s just a lie.


These things happen:

German ball bearing factories were a prime target in WW2. I had to look to be sure it wasn’t just an episode of Hogan’s Heroes I was remembering but yeah it’s true. They were heavily defended and raids on them were conducted at a very high cost in men and aircraft.



Really good article


This article speculated that the Ukrainians would take Kreminna before moving on Lysychansk and Sverodonetsk, but per this ISW map, they appear to be moving on Lysychansk already:

For a bit more context, those two cities fell into Russian control in late April, after Russia had abandoned Kyiv to consolidate in the east, and after considerable fighting and cost to both sides, around the time Mariupol fell as well. It’s around where the bulk of the main Ukrainian army had been fighting against the insurgents who’d been occupying territory in Luhansk and Donetsk since 2014, and there was considerable concern that Russia would encircle them by pushing down from Izyum, potentially crippling Ukraine’s whole army. But, the Ukrainians made a strategic retreat, ceding those cities but then holding the line. Now the would-be encirclers are getting encircled.