lol Rishi Sunak.
Let’s divert from the HSR debacle by throwing dead cats in the room re smoking age BS.
Go at it media…
BBC already on the smoking age nonsense. fml
lol Rishi Sunak.
Let’s divert from the HSR debacle by throwing dead cats in the room re smoking age BS.
Go at it media…
BBC already on the smoking age nonsense. fml
What is the HSR debacle?
Big project to upgrade ancient rail lines to cover the major cities of the UK with high speed rail.
Surprise, surprise… it’s way over budget and they’re scrapping it after completing it in the south of England and telling the north and Scotland to fuck off.
Who could ever have seen that coming…?…
Just saw the wikipedia entry. So they completed a single line from London to Birmingham and then said it was overbudget?
Guess Sunak doesn’t want to be PM much longer.
Tories have gone all in on MAGA talking points. Everything is now ammo for the culture war. Doctors are woke, immigrants are criminals, Europe is a bastard etc etc etc. Big drum, big English flag. Just waiting for the 2 minutes hate.
After a reminder from Google about what a Tory is, that makes sense. But Make God, King, and Country Great Again doesn’t really roll off the tongue.
No, they still lack both a pithy slogan and a passable demagogue. At the moment they’re going with “Long Term Decisions for a Brighter Future” as voiced by a wind-up automaton.
Here in Germany, too, we have our troubles with the railway. May I introduce you to “Stuttgart 21”:
Construction work began on 2 February 2010.[2] In March 2013, total costs were officially estimated at €6.5 billion, the previous estimate being €4.5 billion in 2009.[2] In March 2022, Deutsche Bahn estimated the total cost at €9.15 billion.[3] Heated debate ensued on a broad range of issues, including the relative costs and benefits, geological and environmental concerns, as well as performance issues.
This sounds like something I’d say while absolutely blitzed on drugs
Can’t even give him that much credit, he stole it from NZ
Between that and the Berlin airport debacle, I’m starting to lose faith in German transit prowess.
It would be fascinating to see how the black market evolves under these circumstances.