Twitter banner, brand identity, poll #1 (please read OP before voting)

Note #1: if we have graphic design people or marketing people lurking about, please join the process, give feedback, draw something neat. Or link to some media/politicking branding that you like (or hate).

Note #2: In this poll (poll #1) you are voting for the “direction” of the graphics and branding, if there were to be some overwhelming preference for an abstract approach but all these examples suck, that’s still fantastic, that will narrow the task a lot.

At any rate, here are some options.

[color=cyan]OPTION 1[/color]: Abstract design, no direct political leaning implied, could make use of mathy stuff or probability stuff.





[color=#00FF00]OPTION 2[/color]: Something that incorporates the poem “New Colossus” (Statue of Liberty poem), or possibly some other text:





[color=#FFAAAA]OPTION 3[/color]: Some painting that we like that subtly or not so subtly says something about the community, can also include photographs






[color=#FFAA00]OPTION 4[/color]: Something funny that communicates unstuck in a different way, it’s probably beyond my skillset to make I could see something like a row of ostriches with their head in the sand and then one unstuck ostrich


[color=#00AAFF]OPTION 5[/color]: Lean into the poker angle, chip stack, cards, etc.


[color=#FF))00]OPTION 6:[/color] All of this kind of sucks, I have a better idea (if so, please say what it is)

I’m giving out 2 votes per person but use only 1 if there’s only 1 that you want

  • [color=cyan]OPTION 1[/color]: Abstract design, no direct political leaning implied
  • [color=#00FF00]OPTION 2[/color]: Something that incorporates the poem “New Colossus”
  • [color=#FFAAAA]OPTION 3[/color]: Some painting or photograph that we like
  • [color=#FFAA00]OPTION 4[/color]: Something funny that communicates unstuck in a different way
  • [color=#00AAFF]OPTION 5[/color]: Lean into the poker angle, chip stack, cards, etc.
  • [color=#FF0000]OPTION 6:[/color] All of this kind of sucks, I have a better idea

0 voters

I don’t have an opinion (or enough expertise to really have one worth having) but I absolutely hate the poker option. I get that we came from 2p2, but 2p2 itself wasn’t really about poker for most of us for a long time before we got evicted.

I think poker is just confusing and has a little bit of a negative connotation. At least that’s how I read it.


Is rotating between several an option?

I suggested the poker option, but I think an option with Trump doing something dumb would be better. Something memetic, like yelling at the kid mowing the lawn, but better.

Trump baby might be good.

The biggest problem is that with the color scheme and size of the UP logo almost everything looks ugly against it. The only thing that doesn’t look ugly against it to me is the first photo in option 1. You would probably need to change the color scheme of any photos/graphics to be complementary to the logo, or change the logo colors.

The way it looks to me vs. most photos is just pure bombast, and I doubt any professional would make something that stands out in a bad way for branding like that.

To me the only other backgrounds that don’t look really bad vs. the logo color scheme are the ostrich and poker chips. I’m not saying anything about content, I’m thinking about this more from a color perspective. Like it might not be a bad idea to create the New Colossus thing in the color scheme and semi-3D perspective as Option 1. I think these kinds of backgrounds will look better as graphics intensive rather than photo intensive. It feels a little myspace-y with the way the photos juxtapose now.

I concur.

Rotation would multiply the task unless it’s something straightforward to curate, like a collection of paintings and photos, but then you’d need someone to change them up (when, why, etc.), probably overkill at this point

I would be happy to explore that, but my sense of the feedback so far is that most do not want an explicitly anti dotard approach.

Yeah, the current twitter profile image only “works” with option 1, for the rest of them I would redo that image to work with the banner. I agree that there’s many ways to improve the New Colossus bit, don’t not vote for it because the current profile image doesn’t match, I will change that up as necessary.

But as for bolded, to me the content is the more important to define atm, the coloring and typography will work itself out in the next iterations

I like the New Colossus idea.

Also if people are following the thread, feel free to change your mind as we discuss ideas, if you want to undo a vote you click “Hide results” on the poll and change your votes

New Colossus is too US and current issues centric imo.

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I think it’s the most appropriate for our times right now, and don’t see that changing until Trump’s gone (at least). You can always change the image to whatever lines up with the times.

Option 1 looks more professional too me and since it’s that type we want here I’d go with that atm.

Alough A good standout painting would do the same I think.

I’d stay away from the funnies/Political leaning fonts atm.

I kinda dig the forum ruins photograph the most. I feel like that’s where we are. We are standing atop the ruins and beginning to build something better. The first step is the better software, but we have much to build and much room to grow. Hmmm, perhaps something like:

To emphasize the rebuilding?

I don’t feel like our branding here has to be permanent, so I feel a bit like something that is deliberately tied to where we are right now is more likely to be updated when we feel like we’re in a different place.

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just keep in mind for an image like that the twitter banner is 3:1 width to height, so it would end up looking like this


Yeah I know that’s not the best picture, but it evokes what I was aiming at. There certainly could be a better picture with better framing for the aspect constraint.

I think the way it crops it is pretty interesting, personally.

I think most people will see a picture like that and think ‚ruins‘, not forum.

Very much against the US-centric options unless you want to make this a US only site (delete all the non-US threads).

Also it should be something that will last longer than the current President, hopefully.

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