it’s a gambling-themed brothel omg

lol the classic tv trope where the brother of a main character is upset that he didn’t get to bang the new prostitute in town first

james is an ultra pimp somehow but he sucks. team bobby all the way

K I had to stop for a few minutes now I’m back how about them prostitutes

you need to use the intro time more wisely. i was able to get super high

Towns economy can’t be that bad if it can support a high-end brothel like that.


baby c’mon we got at LEAST 20 minutes until your old man gets home rofl bobby goat

coffee is how mysteries get solved

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i’m gonna use this technique someday

this is what mueller shoulda done

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I KNEW Tibet was at the bottom of this!

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audrey’s dance! this music is ambient from the jukebox lmao

What if he solved the case already and he’s just fucking with the local bumpkins.

lmao donna’s face during audrey’s dance is TWIN PEAKS


albert for attorney general

What are they putting in this coffee.

what is going on in this house?!

this dream is super important lol

David Lynch directed this?

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