ray wise KILLIN IT

no pressure but i’ll be waiting in my car for you to masturbate to completion


Cooper has some kind of fancy early-90’s PDA.

lol, they’re stealing the mystery food critic subplot from Fawlty Towers.

nobody at the newspaper even knows who he is

Just don’t talk about the war

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normal food critics: people know them but don’t know when they’ll show up

twin peaks food critic: people know when they’ll show up but won’t know them

You guys see they have rabbit chili on the menu at the diner? I’m calling bullshit on that.

OK this judge guy is cool, I like his style.

true gentleman right here

Fuck this guy and his fancy sports coats.

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Don’t fuck with Lucy


this guy is like manafort’s judge lol

this judge fuckin respects the murder

Driving around the state in a winnebago with the law clerk. Dude has it figured out.


Is “law clerk” like a “traveling secretary” or are they actually colleagues?

Did we really have to smash the flashlight? That was a perfectly fine flashlight.

Back in the old-times days judges and lawyers could make a living traveling from town to town hearing cases in communities that were too small to have their own judge. IIRC Abe Lincoln got his start doing that. I guess that’s still a thing in modern times.


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