Being a hooker seems pretty awesome so far, free drugs and candy?!?

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Ch-ch-ch-cheerleading tryouts??

I thought for sure that guy was gonna bill cosby her

This is one really long shot with Donna unloading on Laura’s grave. this is great

Goddamn, Dr. Jacobi is always living his best life.

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Ah the days you could tell someone you forgot their number

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The shut-in guy has a pretty sweet thing going: he just hangs out in his nice house with his plants and hot girls come to deliver food to him and hang out. I don’t even know why he qualifies for assistance, seems able-bodied.

for some reason i thought he was a disabled vet with ptsd but now idk. i thought that necklace was dogtags but i guess it’s just a 90s man’s necklace

the timing just barely misses for him to be a desert storm vet. fan wiki says his occupation is horticulturalist

Mayyyybe he could be a Panama vet, but yeah, the timing is terrible him to have been in a war.

I like to imagine he’s committing welfare fraud and everyone is too dumb to catch on.

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I read on the internet that today’s episode was directed by a guy doing through serious drug problems and he’s admitted he halfassed the whole thing, so I am not expecting great things.

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Someone should make a “how it started / how it’s going” with Audrey where she’s all like “I’m Audrey Horn and I get what I want” but then she’s strapped down getting injected full of heroin.

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