Trump's America

I think you seriously underestimate the strength and determination of a pit bull. Scooping up a 90-pound ball of muscle who’s sole focus is to latch onto you with a bite that will take a crowbar to loosen and then slamming it to the ground is just a fantasy.

Very rare for a pitbull to be anywhere near 90lbs. Usually more like 45lbs. Not saying it’s easy to defeat one at all, but I’m pretty sure the guy in the video would have fought it off if he didn’t have people punching him at the same time.

I was probably thinking Neapolitan mastiff, which is way bigger than any pit bull I’ve seen. Still, their focus is lock their jaws on you and use their body weight to tear you apart. I think the best that dude could hope for would be to fend off the dog, but body slamming one WWF style…I can’t imagine a real life scenario where that happens. I can imagine trying to get the grip to try before the dog clamps down on my arm or face and takes me to the ground.

Yeah, again, not easy, but did you watch the video? The guy was flinging the crap out of the dog. He just had one or more people punching him at the same time.

My church (in Ohio!) has a massive sign in the front of the church that says “2100+ mass shootings since Sandy Hook - DO SOMETHING.”

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I didn’t watch it. Just don’t want to for some reason. I did notice the dog looked a bit lean, but maybe the big fat guy has been kicking its ass and eating most of its food. I imagine a healthy and trained pit bull that really had that aggressive drive would look similar to a police dog going after someone.

I have a 50lb pit bull, I’ve had to pull her off of another big animal at the dog park when she got into an all out brawl over her frisbee. Scooping her up by the midsection, getting her paws off the ground and swinging her around was the way I was able to give the owner of the other dog the time to get his animal away from the situation. I wasn’t the focus of her attack, but I’m confident I could stun a dog of a similar size without killing it.

Injecting cannabis… WTF :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

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I’m shocked this is news. Doesn’t that happen everywhere, all the time?

When I was in eighth grade I had the shit beat out of me in the locker room after gym class because some weird gothy kids thought I was gay. To be fair they came up to me during gym class and asked if I was, and I said “I don’t know, what if I am?”. But basically the entire class of 40 or so kids just sat and watched. Lost a lot of respect for people I considered friends that day.

In Indiana maybe. In 1980 yeah. In my kids’ middle school a lot of kids identified as gay. I’m pretty sure far more than in HS.

In my day I never heard of anyone openly identifying as gay until college.

Shared unironically on my feed. I cant remember if this was the thread where we were talking about the trump=antichrist thread thats slowly growing in evangelical circles.


They’re turning on him?

This is the right way to get them to turn on him for sure.

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I doubt it, but his support amongst that group has fallen from like 90+% down to the low 70s iirc.

Do you have any data on this? I can’t see how he wins an election with only 70% of evangelicals.

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*A free and fair election. My worries about cheating/hacking/suppression/etc are well documented.