Trump's America

Hey man, at least they have a “Neighborhood Dealer.”

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Sounds like a real shithole town.


Today, on the day of our lord June 6th 2020, we gather to remember the passing of JK Rowlings career. God bless :+1:


She will probably cry herself to sleep tonight on her bed that is actually a giant pile of money.


I’m not sure being a TERF is an issue that moves the needle for a huge percentage of the population, but OTOH the overlap in the Venn diagram of big Harry Potter fans and the sort of liberals for whom this is a huge issue probably approaches 100%.

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I’m wondering if any cities/states have researched whether they can break the current contracts or even disallow police unions due to their members’ dangerous and illegal behavior.

If so, reform instantly gets a lot easier.


Welp nevermind, took me all of two seconds.

Not sure why she thought that today was the best day for something like that, but yeeeesh


She has made anti trans statements in the past, so people constantly troll her about it.

Lissy Andros, executive director of the Forks Chamber of Commerce, said the harassment was “an isolated incident and does not represent the people of Forks.

I’ve been to Forks a few times to fish. This incident very much represents the people of forks.


Just looked up the Georgia 14th district.

How the hell does that piece of nothing have enough population to support a congressional district? 700K people choose to live there?

Haha, a guy I worked with in ATL lives in that district, and he no doubt is the one Trumper on a team of like 9 people.

Thank god individual members of Congress do not matter. With any luck her dumb ass will be a huge liability for them.

This guy seems a bit maladjusted:

Pretty sure living in a blue city in a red state is fine (source: personal experience) and I’ve only ever heard great things about Charleston. Then again even we made the news recently after our all-Dem city council passed some bullshit ordinance…

Sight unseen I’d snap take Charleston for the food alone, even if I have progressive friends who swear that both Columbus and Cincinnati and pretty nice. @Riverman we went to the Nashville Husk location and it was fantastic, highly recommend (it’s from Charleston originally).

I think someone described this as mass psychosis, these people are legitimately mentally unwell. Gun owners generally seem to share some mass delusions.

The men were part of a group of white counterprotesters with flags supporting President Trump and “Blue Lives Matter” that barked, “Black lives matter to no one,” and “Police lives matter,” at those marching on Monday to remember Floyd, the unarmed black man whose death after Minneapolis police officer Derek Chauvin knelt on his neck for almost nine minutes has sparked widespread protests.

“This is what happens when you don’t comply with the cops!” yelled the man who was kneeling on the other man’s neck, according to a video shared to social media. “Comply with the cops and this wouldn’t have happened! He didn’t comply!” (Floyd did indeed comply with police, according to the criminal complaint filed against the officers.)

The man added, “It’s his fault he’s dead, not the cop!”

We need a thread specifically for ohio

Oh man, Richard Spencer whining like a bitch at his trial is making me feel all warm and fuzzy inside.