Trump-loving parents of school shooter flee: Captured

To those who have so little, it means so much. Let them have it. It’s like Roman graffiti mocking the Caesars, it’ll burn out soon. Bigger fish to fry, imo. Not directed against any individual here, just my thinking on how one might respond to this non-issue insult.

How will these poor people with their f150s and ar15s survive?

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Sample size, lol-law edition.

Counterpoint: Psycho murdererers like this should not be given the benefit of the doubt.

The judge agrees with you.

Meh, I think the fact that he indiscriminately murdered a bunch of kids weighs in the opposite direction. The idea that he is less likely to, say, make a shiv and murder another kid for the hell of it is based on what, exactly?

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Skin color


People that are nutso crazy are the most likely to try to kill someone. This kid was basically cosplaying the Michael Meyers origin story. Maybe he eventually belongs in a maximum security medical facility but he sure as shit doesn’t belong in a low security juvenile facility.