Travel Addicts/Advice Thread

I had a brief look there last time I was in the US. My trip this time includes the 3-day trek in the North Cascades, the Mount Rainier trip (also 3 days of hiking but staying in hotel rather than camping), the 4-day Wyoming trek and then whatever I get up to in Rocky Mountain National Park (which is what the Estes Park, CO bit is, I’ll be working that hiking out on my own). So I have a ton of mountains in there already. I would for sure like to do a multi-day trek in Olympic NP too (which you kind of have to if you want to do serious hiking as there are no roads through it) but that’s another trip.

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Seems like all the airlines are screwed up right now. Delta is usually incredibly reliable - they’ve had hundreds of cancellations on some days during these pilot/staff shortages.

Thankful that we are not stepping on a US-based carrier for our trip in a few days (knock on wood).

Oh and I have one day in Grand Teton as well. I have to say it’s fucking hard to get out there, you have to stay in Jackson where accommodation is $350+ a night and then it’s basically impossible to get out to the park from Jackson without a car. I managed to hire a car for the day on the 1st.

I’m doing Rainier, Olympic and North Cascades in the fall too - let me know what’s interesting/cool. Like hiking, but not for longer than a few miles usually.

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Actually one question to which I think I already know the answer: I have an existing Alaska flight from Seattle to Jackson at 15:20. I will be in Portland that morning, so I need to make it to Seattle. I could take a flight that gets there at 14:38, which is offered as a checked-through flight if you book them all in one go. I spoke to a rep at Alaska who said it would be fine if I booked that and I could just give them all the details at the desk in Portland and be checked through. Like the flights seem to leave from the same concourse in SEA. But I don’t know. This seems dumb, right? I could just get to SEA at 11:30 instead and have a layover of a few hours there. It wouldn’t destroy my trip if I missed the SEA → JAC flight, but it would for sure be annoying.

As I’m typing this, I think I already know the answer. I should just eat the layover.

Pre-2020 I’d say you can be aggressive with the 42-minute layover, but nowadays I would just take the four hour layover. Especially since it’s a weird situation where you’re tying two separate tickets togther, which is spotty. If you miss the connection, you might not have all the “rights” you normally would in that situation.

(To understand the value those rights have for you in 2022, see: Riverman’s post above.)

That’s risky. I did something similar when I went through for plane tickets. They’re known for putting separate tickets together and insuring the connection between them as a way to save money. Sounds nice in theory but things can go south pretty quick for a multitude of reasons that they won’t cover.

I’d be on the safe side and take the longer layover.

North Cascades has annoying flies that won’t leave you alone. You’ll feel right at home. Although these bite if you let them sit on your skin for too long.

I’d say you’re about a 5:1 favorite to make the 42 min connection. So it just comes down to how risk averse you are.

Hurricane Ridge

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Delta must be royally screwed for the weekend if they’re letting everybody change flights for free and no fare increase. GL to anyone flying over the long weekend!

this is pretty common in cases where there is widespread (eg) weather issues. They’ll issue a pre-emptive waiver a couple of days ahead and list a bunch of airports, and if you are going through any of them (as origin, destination, or just connecting) you can change to another routing at another time etc. though they usually put some restrictions on (E.g. new ticket must begin travel by X and complete by Y)

Oh, absolutely, which is why this one stands out. This isn’t a weather waiver for 6 airports under a winter storm watch. This is “Please, literally anybody who is travelling on our planes for these 4 days, consider not traveling for this huge travel weekend!”

Those poor agents in Atlanta. Their entire shifts are going to be dealing with extremely unpleasant people.

Currently on an Allegiant plane to Austin. LOLME

Better or worse than Spirit?

Never used spirit. If that’s worse than just lol.

Just curious, what is so bad about the Allegiant flight compared to other airlines?

On the opposite end of the spectrum, just got off 13 hours in Qatar Qsuites, and awaiting the connecting flight of 10 hours in Qsuites. Just an unbelievable experience that I don’t take for granted. Makes you almost not want to get off the plane and to the destination.

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I liked Allegiant (a decade+ ago) because they flew from the tiny airport near my house straight to Vegas on a smaller plane that was always 0 hassle and cheap.