Travel Addicts/Advice Thread

@Fossilkid93 is this as bad as it looks or does it mean maybe a bit of rain each day? Seems to be the forecast in perpetuity when I have looked lately:

are there any rooftop tent enthusiasts here? mine is arriving tomorrow, and i have high hopes of road trips between washington and colorado.

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Check each individual day to check. Personally, I donā€™t find the weather on Google reliable. It was supposed to rain in Varna but itā€™s been in the upper 80s and sunny all day.

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This is definitely one of my pet peeves with Google weather. If there is rain predicted at all, even for the smallest duration, then they will give the rain icon for that day.

It probably will rain every day, but probably 30 min to 2 hours max.

It can look perfectly clear one second and be raining hard 30 min later, so Iā€™d probably always have an umbrella, or be ready to duck into a cafe/restau.

Itā€™s an annoyance, but nothing like lengthy downpours that will ruin your day.

Also, can be a bit chillier than expected if cloudy and the wind picks up, so if youā€™re someone who doesnā€™t like cold much, then you might want to bring a light jacket.

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You should join the Overlanding USA group on Facebook. Thereā€™s an endless war going on between the RTT crowd and non-RTT crowd.

i get too much drama on this forum already. :stuck_out_tongue:

iā€™ll check it out, but iā€™m almost off facebook completely, so my preference isnā€™t to periodically visit it.

Itā€™s interesting how many Spanish-speakers Iā€™m running into in Bulgaria.

Iā€™m not talking other tourists but rather locals who speak Spanish. Normally, I get around in English but several times Iā€™ve been asked if I could speak Spanish. I obliged and while I wasnā€™t good, I did much better than expected given that I havenā€™t spoken the language regularly since 2016.

I mean maybe itā€™s a coincidence but itā€™s not every day Iā€™ve had people ask me to switch to Spanish instead of English given that Iā€™m that the whitest guy on Earth.

Thatā€™s interesting, Iā€™ll have to tell my girlfriend. I wonder if there are other countries in the area that also speak more Spanish or if itā€™s a peculiarity with Bulgaria.

Itā€™s a limited sample size. The numbers donā€™t substantiate my experience.

Just some unusual incidents.

Yah I looked up the numbers too. Thatā€™s one hell of a coincidence meeting so many Spanish enthusiasts.

Well you asked for it. Spent all day drinking and eating in the centro district and it didnā€™t suck. I turn 40 tomorrow so spending some time on our 15th floor airbnb balcony in mostly nothing enjoying a few more drinks and the storm rolling in:


We vacation the same wayā€¦ Enjoy man and Happy Birthday!

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I would heart it butā€¦ those pointy elbows


Pointy af.

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Had someone outside of UP send me this as a response so my life is turning out great:


itā€™s a private fb group? nice try zukkerbrrg, not joining.

tent arrived today. the prospects are about to get overwhelming.

Are you Dan Price?


Thereā€™s some Jesus-related double entendre in there somewhere

Kinda rough day in Veliko Tarnovo. First off, the walking tour was canceled without notice. My plan was go to Tsarevets but my God was it a long walk.

You see, VT is a literal city on a hill. Itā€™s probably why it served as the capital of the Second Bulgarian Empire. Given how uneven the ground is and the circuitous nature of the roads and paths, the army must have had forever to prepare to defend the fortress. When you walk these paths for 2+ hours straight in 90+ degree weather, it can grind on you (but get you fit too). And for a pale white guy, that means lots of sunburn.

Tsarevets was imposing but it appeared to me that it was made for Bulgarian tourists. There were no signs providing any context for why the things I was looking at were important and it made things a bit less fulfilling.

The payoff for walking the whole thing is that you get to the tower of a church in it and get a panoramic view of VT. Of course, it was closed. A lot of people were hanging around the church pissed that they made the walk for nothing.

Too damn hot. Iā€™m enjoying a beer in the shady part of the terrace. Probably sit under a cold shower soon. I really need a nap. Not sure what Iā€™ll do afterwards.

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No matter what you do never buy a two liter of this when you are drunk at the convenience store on the way home thinking how bad could it be and wanting something ridiculous:

Worst hangover ever especially after drinking beer and tequila all day before that. I did get to puke blue which is neat.


Iā€™m back in the saddle drinking away the blue demons (this was supposed to be a melonball shot but my spanish isnt perfect) at a fairly cool old in CDMXs version of Chinatown