Travel Addicts/Advice Thread

Has anyone used the DIY airline accepted covid tests to get back into the country? Ones like eMed.

Yes and it was one of the most anxiety filled exercises of my life

Shit post here, but my god imagine needing to take a test to fly into the US, meanwhile every US domestic flight and airport is essentially a cocaine fueled covid orgy. Just insanity on so many levels.


at airport now, confirmed cocaine fueled covid orgy


Truly fucking ludicrous policy to require people to test back in. Democrats man.

Travel insurance is unbelievably tilting to go through. Just let me pay X so that you pay X if I get stuck for a week. JFC.

If you think its annoying to buy it, try filing a claim and trying to get paid!

Yes. Was a breeze, but as Riverman said, very anxiety-inducing. But so would any test to fly back home under this dumb policy.

Stupid question:

If I were to drive to Boston to take a flight to (picks city at random) Madrid, I would need to take a COVID test before my return flight to Boston?

But if I were to drive to Montreal, take a flight to Madrid, return to Montreal and then re-enter the US by car, I would not have to take a COVID test at any point?

Certainly looks like fully vaccinated folks flying into Canada do not need to test, nor is there a requirement for testing to cross land crossings into the US from Canada, so yes I believe you are correct on both counts.

Not an expert, havenā€™t done it, but thatā€™s what the Internet seems to think.

Itā€™s funny I just went on a trip to Mexico except I flew out of the Tijuana airport so thereā€™s just no rules on covid tests because Iā€™m flying within Mexico and I can wear my shoes through the metal detector and bring any sized bottle of fluid I want, but also masks are mandatory in the airport and on the plane. Itā€™s like USA and Mexico are just doing the opposite of each other.

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Practicing for Paris. That ā€œParisien flanā€ was ridiculous. Very curious to find out if Parisian flan is actually a thing, and if so compare to my LA baseline

Definitely sounds sus.

French flan (creme caramel) is definitely a thing, but it donā€™t look like that.

And you need absolutely top notch ingredients to pull off that sandwich.

Sounds about right. Iā€™ve never experienced that, so such a sandwich only ever seems kind of OK at best to me.

Yeah the sandwich was ok but nothing to write home about. But the flan is amazing. Itā€™s got a crust thatā€™s a few mm thick, including the sides and top. So the flan somehow comes all the way up into the crust on top and curls over the top of the rest of the flan. No idea how they do it.

Visiting Ladakh in India is gorgeous, but I must say the ratio of domestic tourists to international ones is about 20:1 and it is not ideal.

you are ready for paris!

Iā€™ve enjoyed being the only international (gringo) tourist in certain places - mostly in Latin America.

Me too obviously, but thatā€™s usually in more chill, non touristy spots where you can meet some friendly locals. Here in Leh it really was not what I was expecting, which is kinda on me for not realizing that Leh has blown up from a sleepy Tibetan mountain town to a huge Indian tourist hotspot since I was last in India. Between that and covid itā€™s really decimated the international backpacker scene, and right now itā€™s just been a bit difficult to meet other travelers. You really donā€™t meet many Indian tourists as theyā€™re mostly all traveling in family units or as larger groups. So I was a bit disappointed with my time in Ladakh, but even with the crowds and the log jams on little mountain roads, the scenery is still of course fantastic. And I did go trekking out in the mountain villages and slept in homestays for a few nights and that was really great!