Travel Addicts/Advice Thread

Yea, trying to get to Ladakh, it’s gonna be like 110 in Delhi! But yeah they just needed a photo of my passport and vax card uploaded, no covid test required, i thought you just showed it in person. But god damn that online form was so annoying. I was flying on my keyboard mashing buttons, finally had my photos re-saved in pdf, resized, they’re literally closing the counter and it now won’t upload because there’s a dash in the file name?! Aghgh! FUUUUU


You can’t just take a photo on your phone and simply upload it, no no no, why make it that easy?! And then once you miss the flight it’s not like Air India is gonna just put you on the next flight for free or for a small fee, no siree bob!

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I got travel anxiety PTSD just reading this.

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It was a stressful couple of minutes! Reminded me of when I was 25 and was flying to Hong Kong, they wouldn’t let me board w/o an onward ticket, and I was too cheap to buy a throw away plane ticket, so I was trying to buy a bus ticket to mainland China, but every website would start in English and then eventually switch to Chinese characters. They even let me go in their back office to try on a desktop. I missed that flight too! But they (Cathay Pacific) were really nice and put me on the same flight the next day for free :sunglasses:

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I mean I haven’t made any hard and fast plans for the summer yet. Was going to today

Headline: Japan will reopen to travellers this June

Article: Japan may reopen gradually to travellers this June

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Beginning with group travel only, so don’t make those travel plans just yet.

Yup. Made my plans for Turkey and man have plane tickets become expensive.

But I just bought one of these sweet bastards:


Come into this country wearing one of those and they’ll send you right back home.

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Not when I flex on 'em.

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That’s the same hachimaki GSP wears. Bet Japan wouldn’t kick him out. They’d be submitted before they could.

My fear is wearing one and having the kanji mean something fucked up.

Yeah, don’t be that gaijin.

Is it a bad sign to get no response from your air bnb host, even is it’s 2 months away?

I booked two places for a week each in Paris. One got back immediately. The other has failed to reply despite me reaching out twice.

I don’t want to wait too late and get stranded with few options.


Also apparently there’s really no point picking a time on a flight nowadays. You’re basically just buying a ticket for that day, which they airline will change multiple times before you actually fly.

I don’t know man. I’m just trying to reserve a single night by the airport in Istanbul for late July and three people in a row haven’t responded to me. It’s extremely rare for me to have that experience.

Weird as hell because I am very well-reviewed, have my government ID verified, and have a long history of using AirBnB. No idea why I would be rejected.

That seems weird to me, yes. I have Airbnbs booked in Rome, Florence, Lucern, and Geneva, and everybody has been communicative. Best-case scenario your host is just not a great communicator, which would be cause enough for me to find a different place.

I only had one instance where a host was completely uncommunicative. I reserved the place (they didn’t screen guests) about a week in advance, tried to get information about check in, and received no response what so ever up to the day I arrived in Brussels. I eventually contacted AirBnB about the situation. They canceled my booking without penalty and helped find another place on short notice. They even covered the slight price difference between the new and previous place.

This was 2017. So I’m not sure if the customer service is the same now as it was then.

I just left a message on the number provided. Some woman telling me to leave a message in French. If no one gets back to me I’m just going to cancel.

Look at this place though:

I don’t wanna cancel.

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