Travel Addicts/Advice Thread

Man Miami might be the WOAT city.

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Yea Miami does kinda suck. I mean itā€™s gorgeous, but the people arenā€™t very friendly, everything is about conspicuous consumption, terrible drivers and traffic, hotels cost an arm and a leg. Good poker and interesting ethnic neighborhoods are redeeming qualities

Canā€™t say I do. I only bought travel insurance once and that was because it was required to enter the country. In that case, I got some cheap stuff from a provider in the country I was travelling to.

Depending on where youā€™re travelling, you might be better off just paying the medical bill out of pocket than paying for insurance.

Yea itā€™s got that slightly gravel-ly quality to it that is annoying. The whiteness of it looks good in the photos though!

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Yeah itā€™s pretty common to come across people who only smoke a few cigarettes when drinking.

Of course, smoking in bars is banned in most of Europe. However, plenty of places have seating outside where smokers light up.

Iā€™m for it. Two fewer kids in coach.

Annoyance is more in behavior but you canā€™t change the way you dress.

Yup. Covid definitely made it worse by restricting or cancelling lines. Toss that on top of state-owned railways that have a monopoly and have had to incentive no improve services for decades and you find yourself taking the bus.

Only train worth taking was Mostar to Sarajevo. For a 80 mile trip, it was long as shit but the sights were beautiful.

And itā€™s the best piece of travel advice Iā€™ve ever received.

Honestly, I donā€™t remember a lot of the stuff I see. For me, trying to see everything would be a waste.

I picture the Riverman family like when Everybody Loves Raymond went to Italy. Everyone was so happy, no one fought like they usually do. Then when it was time to get in the minivan to go to the airport to go back home, Ray just sighed.

iā€™m picturing more a national lampoonā€™s euro vacation

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Iā€™m not sure if I mentioned it, but weā€™ve also been traveling with our dog. Heā€™s tiny (weighs 3kg) and likes to travel in cabin on planes and stuff b/c he loves sleeping in his carrying case, but for some reason buses rarely allow pets in cabin, but trains almost always do. So it kinda sucks losing stuff like FlixBus as a travel option, but I think weā€™ll be able to find just enough train routes to make it work.

I checked into Budapest a bit more and think it will be doable, so weā€™ll make our way thru Romania over 3 months, then end on the border w/Hungary and take a 4 hour train to Budapest, then probably spend 3 months there b/c itā€™s a city Iā€™ve been dying to explore in depth. By the time weā€™re done in Budapest, it will be late October so I think weā€™ll opt for somewhere not freezing like the Croatian Coast or maybe really far south like Tirana. They at least get average highs of 10-14 celcius, whereas places like Zagreb, Belgrade, Sarajevo, etc. are cold as fuck.

Traveling to the United States in a couple days, a place called Ohio. Any recommendations?

Highly recommend the Cleveland tourism board on YouTube as well


rockā€™nā€™roll hof, and then i donā€™t know. it might be nice weather to go on the lake.

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Been to the Hall many moons ago. Was cool but unless theyā€™ve added a bunch of new stuff not sure Iā€™d be compelled to go again. Lake Erie would be nice to see again though.

Skyline Chili, ldo.

Which part of Ohio?

If anyone has any Tampa or Jacksonville recs Iā€™m all ears


WTF is going on in this thread?

Anyone got any great ideas for trips to Wilmington, Delaware or Stockton, California?


They have an NFL team! Thatā€™s big time!

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Nice, Iā€™ll check it out. 6300 reviews on google!

  1. Blue Rocks [minor league baseball]. Any time you can check out a team with three mascots, you do it. [Rocky Bluewinkle is a blue moose. Mr. Celery is a stalk of celery. And Rubble is a giant blue rock.]

  2. Surprisingly good museums thanks in no small to the Duponts.

  3. Maybe go yell at the PO Box of the bank that issues your credit card and is incorporated in DE for tax purposes.

  4. Visit to the Biden train station, LDO


Berns is fine, council oak at the hard Rock is pretty good. Armature works in Tampa is a pretty good time. itā€™s a food hall that usually gets a good sized crowd.

Ulele is good, the Columbia and Datz and mise en place would be my Tampa suggestion for food.

Channelside, Hyde Park and Seminole, Ybor are all good areas. check out the river walk. depending when youā€™re in town you should check out a lightning game.

Fifth element in Jax, if you like Indian food. only thing I know about, there. but itā€™s some of the best Indian food Iā€™ve ever had.

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