Travel Addicts/Advice Thread

I can’t imagine wanting to wait more than 30 minutes to tour a pedophile palace.

Nice, thanks, that’s probably what I’ll end up doing

The Vatican was mostly a box ticking exercise. It was fine but I wouldn’t do it again. You can do the Trevi Fountain whenever but it does get more and more crowded as the day goes on. The Pantheon can get super crowded during the day but we paid in cash and that was apparently the secret to skipping most of the line. Trajan’s Market is a really cool place to see at night but it looks like it closes at 7:30 and sunset isn’t until 8:30 so I guess that’s not really an option right now.


I agree with all of this.

We also did a day trip to Venice from Rome that was pretty cool, it’s about a 4 hour ride one way on a high speed rail. Not sure what the cost of the train ticket was, but i don’t remember it being expensive.

It’s a long day though, but we didn’t think Venice required more than a day.

Damn, 4 hrs is pretty ambitious, but doable. I do tons of day trips that involve 2-2.5 hours each way and it’s usually fine. I’d probably want a bit more time in Venice though, it’s truly magical.

We did a day trip to Napoli from Rome. Napoli is interesting in that it’s just so damn weird/different as a city.

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I actually just checked the times because 8 hours doesn’t feel like something I’d be willing to do in a day.

I was way off, Google says 2 hours 45 minutes.

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yeah but it’s an italian train so really like 7 hours

It’s worth it for nothing other than to realize the Catholic Church could end world hunger for the next 100 years if they just sold off half of their booty.

To me, seeing the Coliseum from the outside is nothing like seeing it from the inside. I wouldn’t want to have missed that.

Also if you can book a tour of the Forum, that’s really cool. Otherwise it’s just looking at old stuff w/o much context.


The Pantheon at night is amazing. You can’t go in, but you can sit at an outdoor restaurant and just stare at it.

Really all of Rome is incredible. I could easily spend 2 weeks there and not get bored.


Outside the Pantheon sounds good to me, I mostly like just wandering around and stopping in cafes and bars.

All’antico Vinaio - i can’t suggest it enough, it’s right by the pantheon, there will be a line for both locations. I got the boss, it was amazing.

Some of the nostalgia could’ve been jet lag since we walked to the pantheon after our flight landed at 8 am, but that sandwich was amazing.

I kept reading Parthenon and going crazy thinking “Isnt that in fucking Greece? Whats hapening here?”


I think this was just on CBS This Morning. Do they have stores in LA and NY?

I only got to see Rome because the army made it happen. But we just wandered the city aimlessly, discovering things as we went, and saw more than we could ever take in. If I ever get to go back I’d do the same thing again. There’s just so much cool stuff randomly placed around the city.

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NYC trip was a huge success.

NYC is hands down the best city on Earth, and that includes the ones I’ve never visited. I’m that confident in this take.

I had the best pizza (Fughettaboutit), the best Chinese, the best shepherds pie, and the best haircut/shave I’ve ever had in my life, all within a few blocks of each other.

The broadway show we saw, Water For Elephants, was phenomenal; two thumbs way way up. But the highlight show-wise for us was Drunk Shakespeare. My cheeks were hurting when we left that one. A close second was the walk across the Brooklyn Bridge, which took some effort as I am mortified of heights. Same with the Empire State Building.

Will do a proper photo dump later.


Definitely in nyc, yeah. I went to the one in time square last November. Not as amazing, but still worth the trip

yeah, these are both “at first I was like ‘isn’t this a bit cliched’ but then I was like ‘hell yeah’” experiences. A lot of people prefer top of the rock over the ESB, but I prefer the classics.

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Edinburgh is such a visually pleasing city. Even as you get miles out of the center towards the airport, the neighborhoods and streets are just so gorgeous. End of a great trip to England and Scotland. This was my second Scotland/Highlands trip, and I would take it over London any day of the week.