Travel Addicts/Advice Thread

if you’re into architecture at all, the Monadnock building and the Rookery Building are great (especially if you can get inside the Rookery building, I’ve heard they are controlling interior access since the pandemic)

Also you can get Skip Bayless Tacos at Frontera Grill, highly recommended

Skip bayless like the sports writer?

His brother is a famous chef. Rick Bayless - Wikipedia

Holy crap did not know they were brothers. Still never buying anything with Skip”s name on it

I dunno man. I was skeptical, too, but a perusal of that wiki really made me want to try his tacos. They sound like they’d be super legit.

frontera is really, really good, and he has a torta shop in ORD. If you have a friend group like mine, which I suspect many UPers do, you can really tilt a lot of people by posting an airport selfie in front of Frontera with the caption “SKIP BAYLESS TACOS”

It really hits the sweet spot, pisses off both the foodies and the jocks

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the airport joint is overrated. there i said it.

eta: i’m not a big fan of tex mex food though.

oh, I think I would agree with this. It’s good, and actually extremely good as far as airport joints go, but yes, there is some insane hype about it, people acting like it should have three michelin stars or whatever.

Cocktails at Little Jumbo @freddbird

I’m the only person not retired in the whole place.

I don’t know why my pictures are posting incorrectly. I’ll figure it out when I get home.

O’Hare is a top 5 WOAT airport. Other contenders:


I’m flying from Boston to LAX on Friday. Wish me luck.

Also for some reason I’m scared of flying even though I’ve flown like 50 times. Stupid

LGA long underrated IMO. And much much better now that it’s basically been/being rebuilt.

Don’t sleep on Newark. Low key garbage airport.

A lot of people hate on O’Hare but it will always have a soft spot in my heart as it is where my wife I got married and had our first child.

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SeaTac sucks too.

Bayless is unquestionably a top notch Mexican chef. Topolobampo (his Michelin star restaurant) is outstanding.

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Haven’t been there in decades, but a guy I used to work with back in my hometown recently opened this cafe, and it looks terrific:

Oh come on. I just had to fly through LAX from Honolulu en route to PDX. Hawaiian flights get shafted to the international terminal because fuck you. You have to march through like a hundred gates without even a moving walkway to help you out because fuck you. Oh, you’re in another terminal? Cool, you gotta go outside of security and then scan your ass back through because fuck you. Want a real tram or something to get to the other terminal? No, fuck you. Want some signs to help you find the bus to expedite your trip to the other terminal? No, fuck you.

SeaTac may have its oddities, but you can at least reach the whole airport once you’re through security, and there are some trams and moving walkways to help you out even if they’re imperfect. There’s pretty good food and beer, too. Getting shafted to the N or S gates is annoying, but there are way worse treks in other airports.