Travel Addicts/Advice Thread

Definitely considering Romania as next year’s summer vacation trip. Interested in hearing your experience.

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There’s a subreddit r/SwitzerlandIsFake/

My wife wants to go other places and see the world. I just tell her


I’m angling for a German/Austrian Alps trip, so it satisfies her desire for someplace new.


The US’s showers are terrible. I posted about this last time I was in the country. Most of the hotel showers have no way to control both temperature and pressure.

I have been to Switzerland, but my vote for fakest most Middle-Earth-ass place I have ever been is the Lofoten Islands, Norway.


It’s going on the list. Did you fly there from Oslo / Bergen?

Nah - you really want to experience Norway driving imo. I have no idea if there are even airports there. I was in a group of 4 who did hiking on the Kungsleden near Abisko in Sweden, then a friend and I crossed the border at Narvik and hired a car and drove down the Norwegian coast and then back inland to Stockholm. I have actually not been to either Oslo or Bergen, but I had a blast in Norway.

Few other less-trodden scenic places I have been that were amazing. Soca River, Slovenia:

Yangshuo, Guangxi, China:

Squaretop Mountain, Wind River Range, Wyoming:

That last pic actually taken by me. Right off the edge of our campsite, too.


Man I wish I knew how to take decent photos of my trips.

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A good camera goes a loooong way. I bought a camera to take on our Colombia trip because phone-snatching is a thing there, and for many kinds of photos it’s head-and-shoulders better than the phone camera.

That’s why I bring my wife along.

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The pictures I take with my Pixel are consistently better than phone photos other people take.

Yeah but we don’t have dedicated towel heaters. So maybe it all evens out.

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Have you visited and climbed any of the peaks in New Hampshire, USA?

Yeah I didn’t bring my real camera on this trip because I didn’t want to hassle with dragging it all over. Kinda regretting that at times. But I’ll be back. The Alps aren’t going anywhere.

Oh yeah, converting USD to Euros, then getting Swiss Francs back in change from a 100 Euro note because that’s all you have, is awesome. Looking forward to changing my Swiss Francs back into USD at the airport.

Gets worse if you’re visiting a country with a closed currency.

Got a whole lot of Serbian dinars that I can’t exchange for fucking anything since I won’t be going back to Serbia anytime soon.

Physical currency?

I can’t remember the last time I exchanged currency either at the beginning or end of a trip. Use ATMs, take out smaller-ish amounts, use mostly cards, and if I’m getting towards the end of a trip with cash leftover, I’ll start paying for stuff in cash that I would have with card otherwise.

Yup. Chase Sapphire Reserve gives you the up to the minute exchange rate with no vig and no need to ever exchange anything.


Doesn’t the concierge take a percentage?

The fuck are you talking about? Do you know how credit cards work?