Travel Addicts/Advice Thread

Am I an asshole for not thinking it’s cute that both my parents are like this? Yeah Dad, I’m climbing the fucking Matterhorn all by myself with no plan. Like have a little faith in me. I’m in the Disneyland of mountains, there are gondolas everywhere, and well-trod trails that everyone goes on.

And my Mom won’t leave me alone either. If I don’t check in every day from a country that’s 10x safer than where I live, she starts stalking me on every form of media she knows how to use.

I just would like to enjoy myself a little without them acting like I’m 13 years old on my first trip away from home. I know they’re just being parents, but hell.

Every time I jokingly complain about this to someone they go “Awwwwwww.” Fuck off. It’s not cute. They know it annoys me and they don’t care.

Yeah I’m an asshole I know.

I’m gonna die before my parents just to spite them.

Maybe hes worried about abominable snowmen?

My mother was like that when I first started living abroad. Going to China and coming out alive was enough for her to settle down about me traveling.

One would think my driving through El Salvador and Honduras would have been enough to settle my mom down about Western Europe. But no.

Another thing that I think keeps my mother from fretting is that when traveling I regularly post on social media. Not sure if you can do the same but my mother appreciates the photos from whatever I was doing and what I plan to do.

Yeah that’s what I’ve been doing. Then she makes weird emoji/sticker/gif replies to every post and picture like clockwork.


This shit is crack for Boomer moms. How the hell do they even figure out how to use it? Can’t work a set of $200 air pods that I got her, so they just sit collecting dust. But she can figure this crap out all day long. I don’t even know where this shit is on Facebook.

I think she just randomly picks things. I’ll post some tragedy and get the cat emoji with heart eyes.

Btw the AMAZING! gif was in response to a video of me driving 200km/hr on the Autobahn, which apparently didn’t scare her at all. My Dad (who’s not on FB thankfully) is legit scared because international travel and heights both terrify him. My mom I think is just using this as an excuse to ride my case for not calling her enough.

Yup. But she doesn’t get scared when I travel to countries that make her scared for my safety now.

Right, scary countries like Switzerland. LA is super safe apparently, but you never know over here. I might get chased down by some rogue Swiss Guard soldier who tries to strangle me with his pantaloons.

I think the core of why this is bugging me is that I’m 54 years old, no kids, never been married. So what’s my identity? A wanderer, adventurer, lone wolf that no woman can tame… but still has to check in with his mommy every day. It just doesn’t work.

The Swiss Guard is pretty badass.


If there is something on this earth more aggravating than having a transcon flight cancelled 5 hours before your alarm is going to go off then being told you’re rebooked in a middle seat a day and a half later like you don’t have a shitload of other stuff depending on your arrival, I’d hate to see it.

Narrator: there are many things worse in this hell that you live in

Delays and cancellations are extremely bad right now. If you absolutely have to be somewhere I would strongly consider traveling a day earlier than you want to.

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Yeah obv. the joke is that you’ll never get anywhere remotely close to when you want to. It’s the wife who is flying for work so it isn’t really that big of a deal, but man the audacity of these companies is really something old man shakes fist at clouds

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A couple weeks ago I had my flight canceled to Punta Cana, 8am flight and cancelled at 4:30 am. I didn’t realize it until I was already on my way to the airport. Then it was rebooked as an evening flight the next day, so arriving at like 2am. I just decided not to go.

Just got on a plane wearing shorts, T-shirt, and sandals. With no sweatshirt or backup clothing of any kind. Really living dangerously right now!

I feel like texting a photo of myself to my mom just to see if she freaks out, because she thinks planes are flying igloos, and has to remind me 5x before I leave to bring a sweatshirt on the plane.

Ima stop you right there

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Been in Bali last 5 nights, last night tonight. Haven’t been in 10 years. Gods, it is busy. It was
Kuningan (a religious day) yesterday which didn’t help. We were in Seminyak and Ubud, even Ubud is way too crowded now. If I come to Bali again it’ll be to a less trafficked area of some kind.

Brain having trouble processing is the perfect description. It’s hard to believe it’s real.

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At my hotel last night this Italian family of 4 showed up plastered in some kind of colored dust of all different colors, with T-shirts that said Color Run. They looked really cool, so I asked if I could take their picture. They said no.

Aaaaand it will be another 10 years before I ask to take anyone’s picture again. I run so bad at it.

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This reminds me of a story from many years ago when a friend of mine and his wife were in Australia for their honeymoon.

They saw a family of three while strolling in a park, and their son who looked about 5 was dressed in a really cute outfit. My friend asked the little boy if he could take his picture.

The little boy cocked his head, pursed his lips, and in a high pitched Aussie accent snapped “No.”

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