Travel Addicts/Advice Thread

Good call, then. I’m guessing it’s a full flight.

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The lack of tourists in Kosovo is quite jarring.

I mean I knew there would be way less than Albania but I didn’t expect that number to be near zero.

I’ve been the only visitor to every attraction I’ve seen since arriving yesterday. I did see two American tourists on the bus from Tirana to Prizren but haven’t seen them since.

I was the only diner in an upscale (relatively speaking) restaurant last night. Waitstaff outnumbered me 6 to 1. I was one of two people at a bar before then but at least the bartender was outnumbered in that case.

It is obvious from speaking to others that tourists do come to Kosovo. The English language signs in Peja make that clear. The aforementioned bartender said that tourists will outnumber locals in Prizren during the summer. Haven’t been to Prishtina yet but I bet I’ll see more there tomorrow.

But if you really want to get away from tourists on vacation, get your ass over to Kosovo during offseason.


I’m glad you’re enjoying Kosovo. I went in 2010 (same trip as Albania) and–talk about no tourists, I was freaking completely alone. The only foreigners were UN. It was an incredibly endearing country, but there wasn’t a ton of stuff to see compared with the neighbors. Having a car would have helped a lot. Hopefully public transport is a lot better now.

The whole thing made me want to spend quite a bit more time in Albania/Kosovo. There really are some incredible things you can do, particularly in the highlands that separate the two countries, and over into Montenegro (which might be the most beautiful country per square mile on earth). I had an over-the-top Albania t-shirt I’d wear back in Atlanta and once or twice I got heckled wearing it in the streets, presumably by Serbian immigrants lol.

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While we’re on the subject, how is Bosnia as a tourist destination?

It’s on my wife and I’s short list for a place to go in early summer.

I went to Mostar and Sarajevo in 2014. I can’t speak much about the former because I severely sprained my ankle while hiking around there but people at the hostel said it was awesome.

Personally, I loved Sarajevo. There’s a ton of history if you’re into that stuff (I was) because it is a fascinating crossroad of empires. Was there for four days. Most of the tourists were backpackers in their 20s. Not sure what it is now. People watching was quite funny because you could spot a tourist from a mile away due to the difference in dress.

Bosnian food is standard Balkan fare (cevapi, burek, pljeskavica etc) but I’m sure there’s some Turkish food as well. If you’ve never tried shisha before, Bosnia is a good place for it since it’s quite popular.

Since you’re coming from America, I suggest knocking out Bosnia as a larger trip through the Balkans.

So far, that’s proving to be true.

As for public transport, I don’t know what it was in 2010 but intercity buses seem to double as intracity buses as well with people pretty much requesting stops at will and even using buses as ways to deliver packages throughout the country. Haven’t seen Prishtina just yet though. I figure the big changes will happen there first regarding tourism.

Having a car would’ve allowed me to go West from Peja to check out Rugova Canyon but alas it was not meant to be.

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I totally recommend Bosnia (BiH). I just saw Trebinje and Mostar. There’s some amazing stuff to see around Mostar. Agree that it is best to do along with other Balkan countries.

Got up extra early to grab a morning bus to Pristina and finished a bit earlier than expected. This is because aside from the Bill Clinton statue, everything that might interest a tourist is within walking distance. There’s also a Bob Dole statue and a street named after him but I cannot find either. Found a bust of Madeleine Albright too.

Also, Kosovo is the only country where people are happy that you’re an American visiting their country. Not a lovebombing by any stretch but still people say good shit about liking America and all that.

Between S Korea, the Philippines, Taiwan, and Vietnam (next) I am inadvertently on very pro US trip.

Yeah, there isn’t that much to see in Pristina iirc. A weird library at the university I think, and the newborn monument are the only things I remember all these years later in terms of traditional tourist attractions.

It’s more just cool to be there. The people were super nice, and there was a shambolic feel to the town that I appreciated.

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There were things to see but they were either closed or under renovations which was kind of a bummer. Was disappointing that the Museum of Kosovo was all in Albanian. No wonder why I was the only person there.

Guess that’s the price of travelling offseason though. Had the same issues going to Lake Como in Italy during last year’s Spring Break.

But overall, the people are ultra-friendly especially compared to Prague

Do you think there’s enough outdoor activities in the region to keep someone who isn’t a history buff entertained?

Depends on what outdoor activities you like.

Peja seems to be the place for that stuff from my experience because there’s a large (by Euro standards) national park right outside it.

Sharr Mountain National Park might have some stuff too though that’s closer to Prizren.

Link is broken for me, but it looks better scenery than I was expecting, the Peja via ferrata looks pretty fun!

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Three terrible experiences in a row at Frankfurt Airport. They just suck dick. Nearly unmakable transfers. Unhelpful workers. Nonsensical and illogical layout. Terrible food/drink options. Just the worst.

I mean if I had mobility issues or kids or wasn’t able-bodied in some way, I would’ve completely whiffed on those mega-tight transfers.

Sucks that the cheapest flights that involve a transfer tend to go through them or Munich for me.

Didn’t take long for me to miss being on holiday. Spoke to one person at Frankfurt and was already yearning for the hospitality and friendliness of Kosovo and Albania.

I think outside Kosovo there is better outdoors stuff. Albania has some really wild scenery, like Theth and Komani Lake. Montenegro too of course, and BiH and Macedonia aren’t bad.

I’d say outdoors is a pretty big strength of the Balkans.

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Frankfurt is truly the #1 worst airport I’ve ever experienced. By far.

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Thing is that I used this airport in the past and it wasn’t bad back then. Seems that post-COVID it’s really gone down the shitter.

Flew into Frankfurt once, so no connection experience. Wasn’t remarkable one way or the other.

Anyway, next name I’ll be posting here will be leading up to July for my trip to Armenia and Georgia.

Might go on a short Easter trip within Czech Republic but that’s really it.

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