Travel Addicts/Advice Thread

I am from Eurolandia. There is no coach here, can you believe. Well, there is but it has wheels and is a plush bus. Cannot fly.

Economy: arms between seats move; Got a fatter ass then try Premium Economy, arm rest still move. Really large, like 2 average euros? Move up a class again and the seats that don’t have a window (like in the middle) have 2x2 seats facing opposite directions, for those that travel with someone else, or, those that need two seats (see Airbus)

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God this. I hate flying but I didn’t even want my 15-hour flight to end it was so glorious.


Biz class is no doubt amazing but I still find myself waking up every 1-2 hours and still arrive exhausted because I’ve still been on a plane for 10+ hours and body clock is all farkakte.

I would probably do the same. Flight schedule matters a ton.

Avianca has been struggling with the hybrid legacy-carrier-converting-to-low-cost model since bankruptcy. In your case it’s a lot less of a problem: flying a shitty airline is much better done direct. If they cancel the flight, you’re just chilling at home or in your destination city. NBD really.

But if you’re on a layover in Bogotá and they cancel the second leg of your flight, it’s big trouble, especially with non-daily schedules etc. You’re just stuck in an unfamiliar place with no reservations and no ability to get info about what to do next. Granted, Bogotá isn’t as bad a place to be stuck as, say, Houston.



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Going to try Delta Premium Select. Meeting my friend/client at MSP and then its

MSP-CDG-BLR (india).

Buddy is Diamond and was able to work some magic. Plus he’s paying.

As someone that does not like strong flavors, this will be an interesting eating trip. I understand that the hotel will be fine, so just meals out for lunch and maybe a dinner. Taking lots of bars, fruit chips, nuts etc just in case.

Got a high end water filter bottle (virus rated plus carbon). Going to Passport Health tomorrow to get whatever shots and malaria pills.

Any other suggestions for this ugly American?

Probably no sightseeing chance really. We will be in and around Bangalore.

coming from maui to houston, i had like a 10pm flight. took a couple sleeping pills as i was boarding. i remember getting on, i remember sitting down. next thing i remember was the stewardess waking me up, the plane completely empty. i slept through takeoff. slept through the entire plane exiting.



Friend of mine took some kind of sedative once, not sure if it was sleeping pills or oxy or what. Then a guy next to him had a bottle of vodka and he offered to buy some off him and pay him when on the ground. He drank some of the vodka. Next thing he knew woke up, plane is on the ground, he is the only one left seated. Vomit all down his front.

i felt like the only issue i had in economy last time was the seat being very uncomfortable to the point of being painful. I feel like there must some memory foam hacks for that w/ a seat cushion / lumbar support/ neck pillow.

I’m going to take two neck pillows this next trip but I assume 100% of the time one will be used for my back and the other will spend at least some of the time on my seat as a butt cushion.

I don’t have the discomfort that you guys have on planes I guess. I’m pretty much suzzer’s size and on long-haul flights, I’m fine so long as I get up from time to time to use the bathroom.

Of course, I can’t sleep on airplanes to save my life and never have been able to. I slump forward when sleeping upright. Since cars have a shoulder strap for a seat belt, I can sleep in one of those fine. But on an airplane, I’m resting my head on the seat in front of me which is never a good thing.

You can’t sleep with your elbow on the tray table and your head in your hand with your arm sticking up from the table?


Time to bring a strap and tie yourself upright. I’ve seen it. I’ve also seen large inflatable pillows that essentially fill the space between you and the seat in front.

Bonus points if you wear a crown of thorns and nail yourself in place.

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I have an inflatable pillow. If I was shorter, it’d be perfect. But I have to crane my neck too low to rest my head on it.

I have a neck pillow which includes the ability to attach it to airline seats, which means you don’t slump forward.

I believe you may have actually bought an auto-erotic asphyxiation device. Common mistake


Yeah seems like a very inefficient way to hang oneself

The pillow curves round the front in a horseshoe shape so you have a big chunky soft pillow there, not a rope or something. In a seated position you can’t get enough weight on it to even be mildly uncomfortable, let alone interfere with breathing.

It’s this if anyone is interested in checking it out, I recommend it.