Travel Addicts/Advice Thread

Feels like Colombia/Peru is the perfect Drake meme. Seems like everyone wants to go to Colombia these days.

Should people who sprint up the aisle when a plane lands be executed or merely put in prison for life?

Have literally never seen anyone do this.

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On one of my last flights, I was in the window and the person on the aisle refused to even stand up until all the rows in front of us were completely clear - thus giving me no chance to get my backpack out of the overhead and load up my hoodie, book, glasses, earpods, etc. - before having to sprint off the plane.

But even that wasn’t good enough for him. The people across from us were taking forever getting out of their seats and getting their stuff out out of the overheard. Dude could have easily just scooted by them. But no, he still refused to even stand up until they had completely finished packing and organizing all kinds of crap, and finally cleared out of their row.

Then and only then did he stand up, allowing me access to my backpack. That’s great that you don’t have a carry-on, jackass. But maybe me and the person in the middle seat would like to grab ours?

It’s like those people that refuse to move at a stop sign even though you’re walking and haven’t even gotten to the intersection yet. Just fucking go, you’re in the far lane. Passive aggressive inefficient politeness.

I was reading this and was reminded of the window seat dude who literally jumped over me the second the fasten seat belt sign went off. I judged him harshly, but maybe he had PTSD from a suzzer-like experience.

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I wouldn’t say Colombia is that much safer, if at all. Sounds like Medellín is a bit nuts right now, lots of male tourists getting scopolamine’d and robbed, a couple have even died. Heard Bogotá is looking a bit more sketchy than normal too.

That being said, I wouldn’t hesitate to visit there. I’d just be keeping drinks in my sight at all times and if I were using Tinder I’d be screening the hell out of dates and probably pass if they wanted to bring a friend or were insistent on a certain bar.

All in all though, I liked PerĂș slightly better than Colombia, although I thought it’d be the reverse going in. Colombia has a larger amount of solid places, but Cuzco/Machu Picchu were amazing and I liked Lima more than BogotĂĄ too. Still worth visiting Colombia though, the Coffee Zone was a highlight for me as well as Tayrona. The big cities are fine, but I’m not in a rush to re-visit any of them.

Execute them and put their families in prison for life.

No alcohol drinkers or Tinder-users in my family, so should be easy to avoid those particular pitfalls. From what I’m reading, beyond that it’s a matter of using common sense.

In the late 90s we had a project at work that was going to need someone to go to Medellín for a few days, I was somewhat interested in this, my boss said they would supply a driver and “security”. Didn’t get too much of the details of what that would entail since the project got cancelled a couple of days later.

Closest I can think of seeing is when the crew asked everyone to remain seated when we got to the gate so that some people with a tight connection could get off first. Never seen it spontaneously.

He walked out about 50 yards with a wheelbarrow, ducked underwater, and came back with fresh conch. (Turks and Caicos)


Always choose the aisle seat if it’s available.

I like to look out the window.


I like to be free to pee.

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My family’s South American plans are shifting more toward nature and away from cities. Who’s been to Ecuador?

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I was there a few years ago. Anything in particular you’d like to know?

For nature I really recommend the Mindo cloud forest. There’s a great jungle hike with all these smallish waterfalls you can swim in, the setting is fantastic. You take a rickety cable car to access it which is kinda fun. There’s also ziplining and a nice butterfly sanctuary.

The town of Baños is also nice for nature, it’s got thermal baths, some really epic waterfalls, and a bunch of more adventure geared activities. It’s also got the swing at the end of the world, which is kinda lame, but everyone has to get their obligatory photo on it, heh.

There’s also nice hiking right from Quito, but the altitude will kick your ass if you’re not used to it!

And its also really nice staying a night or two outside of Cotopaxi, you can hike up to the base camp as well. But also possible altitude problems if you’re not acclimatized.

And then there’s the Galapagos obv!

Did you research the Cuyabeno Wildlife Reserve at all? My son is a huge fan of capybara, looking for places we can see them. That place looks amazing.

Galapagos seems like it should be a trip unto itself. Quito is super-easy to fly into, so I’m thinking of spending some time there in addition to a trip into the Amazon.

Yea the Galapagos really is it’s own trip. But no, I haven’t been to the Amazon in Ecuador. I can say from listening to other travelers that people tended to prefer the Ecuadorian Amazon trips to the Peruvian ones, but I don’t have any specific info.

You might know this, I was wondering if there’s a multi-day trek that starts high in the Andes and finishes in the Amazon. That would be pretty cool.

Have to agree with my wife’s assessment of Times Square. It’s the world’s worst mall

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