Travel Addicts/Advice Thread

More than 90% of my meals are alone in restaurants for the last 10 years and before that off and on since high school. However, my experience is not a counterpoint to the notion that the activity is sadness.

I think it’s easier these days because you can just bury your head in your phone and it looks pretty normal and feels fine. What would one do in the before times. Bring a book? That’s fine, but still looks weird. Just stare into space?

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Seems kind of expensive.

It is, but no ex wife, kids or student loans has it’s advantages. I also pay enough attention to discounts to keep it to maybe $25/day.

You eat 3 meals a day at restaurants for $25/day? Is it just fast food?

Usually 1 meal, 2 meals 2-3 times a week.

So on most days you only eat one meal a day? What is it? Lunch? Any snacks during the day?

Snack maybe twice a week, usually sugary. Lunch mostly.


Eating alone in Japan is standard practice. Zero stigma. But a while ago a Japanese TV show did this thing where they went around to various countries and ate alone there and in certain countries, the practice is virtually unheard of.

In some cases, as soon as someone sat down to eat alone, either someone would come up to them and ask them what’s wrong, or insist that they join their group rather than allow the solo diner to endure such misery/indignity.

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I went to a tempura place alone in Japan and they sat me at a table with a bunch of teenagers. That was fun.

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As a mostly solo traveler I did very much like Japan’s eat alone bar seating everywhere!

Although I’m guessing the bit where they’re in other countries and people ask them what’s wrong or ask them to join the group is scripted for the show…

If you show up to a K-bbq or hot plate place alone in Korea during peak hours they don’t ask what’s wrong they ask you to leave lol

K-bbq alone would be sad.

Well yea, but it’s a cultural thing, in theory there shouldn’t be anything sad about having your own little grill and cooking meat on it by yourself!

I would feel sad doing that. But I have a lot of hangups.

Do you feel sad grilling a single large piece of meat on a grill by yourself?

Not at my own house.

I’m fine eating at a bar by myself. But I don’t like occupying a whole table. And especially something that’s generally a social eating activity like K-bbq, hot pot, fondue, etc.

Like I said, I have hangups. I’m not saying it’s right to feel that way.

Ha yea fair enough, I wouldn’t eat at a place like that either if it was crowded, only at off peak times

When I eat alone I almost always eat at the bar if it’s available. Seems to be more culturally acceptable.

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Yeah I don’t recall ever being asked to join another group when eating alone. Plus, I’ve felt way more alone in company than by myself in the past.