Travel Addicts/Advice Thread

Nah no kids, just the two of us

wtf are those?

I mean if it’s tacos made out of the body of Skip Bayless, why hasn’t he been in the “Terrible dead people” thread?

skip’s brother Rick is a fantastic chef an has three restaurants in river north.

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So a fantastic chef named a taco dish after his brother? Fuck that’s weird.

Český Krumlov is cool and all, but I always feel slightly let down by the “magical towns”. I had the same feeling with Toledo near Madrid.

It’s beautiful and picturesque, but not too different from well preserved medieval towns I’ve seen in France.

We did take a free tour (Wiseman Tours) and the guy was a great guide and really cool. Tons of interesting history and we reminisced about the Pens when they had Jagr.


As for Prague, well what can you say that hasn’t been said? It’s an amazing place, weather has really sucked though. I think we’re getting hit hard by El Niño and I suspect Europe will be getting unseasonable amounts of rain almost every year from now on. Ave high for September is supposed to be 20, but the highest we’ll see in a week is 15, and rain most of those days.

The thing I like about Prague is that even less known districts can have lovely architecture. We’re staying in Prague 10 (close to Prague 2 border) and even here it’s a joy to just randomly walk around and take in the architecture.


Shit, you didn’t drop a line?

Anyway, happy you enjoyed yourself in Prague.

Enjoyed Cesky Krumlov myself but it was insanely packed when I went which takes away from any idyllic charm.

Damn, completely forgot you were in Prague. Dropped you a PM.

September seems like a pretty elite time to travel. None of these places have been that packed and usually temps are pretty good (been a bit unlucky though here, although I think all of Europe has had a lot of rain and sometimes flooding).

Was raining quite a lot earlier in the week. Temperatures are more or less back to normal for September today.

And yeah if you have vacation, the shoulder months for tourism are ideal. Sadly, Czech Republic only has one public holiday in September (next Wednesday). So there isn’t much of a chance for vacation for me.

On the subject of Rick Bayless and his Chicago restaurants:

When my fiance was in Chicago for work recently I sent her to Xoco after a too-brief google, just remembering Rick Bayless had a restaurant north of the river from this thread. She said the food was mediocre. Granted, we’ve done quite a bit of travel through actual Mexico, but still, disappointing report. I’m semi-soured on the whole idea of getting excited about his Chicago restaurants, but I suppose I need to try Topolobampo nonetheless as I think that’s the one people here said was legendary.

I haven’t eaten at Xoco, but it’s the “low-end” of his properties. Frontera and Topo are both great, and very reasonably priced for what you get imo.

Chicago Brewery / Food:

Go eat at Moody Tongue which is a Michelin star brewery. We had a few things but the whole fish was elite. Then walk over to Dunyyr Fermentations. Ex Lagunitas guy that opened up a tiny brewery that does incredibly unique beers.

Yeah that’s what I gathered after reading about it.

For some reason I never think to go there when I visit. I don’t even hear about it from others.

I have a work trip to Orlando next week. Should be exciting!

Had a bunch of fun meeting @Fossilkid93 and his girlfriend in Prague. Totally kickass people travelling the world and great company. If they happen to be in your area of the world, you’d regret not seeing them.

All the best in Bangkok assuming you opt to go there!


Thanks man. Enjoyed it and couldn’t imagine a more gracious host for Prague!


Japan’s opening back up to travelers from next month–no restrictions.

Do me a favor and don’t come to visit. It’s been quite nice here with the near complete absence of tourists these past couple years.

Plus, you’ll still need to wear a mask.

I’m sure business owners in Tokyo and Kyoto whose livelihoods depend on tourists are anxious for the oncoming rush of foreigners back to the country.

The rest of the population? Not so much…

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Chicago day 1 mini TR:
Landed around 10, trained into the city which was fine. Ate lunch at a Cuban spot right by our hotel, which was great. Took your advice and did the architecture boat tour, which was indeed very cool (and we’re really glad we did it first day). Wandered the Navy Pier for a while, got some drinks and people-watched. Then had dinner at Purple Pig, which was absolutely excellent (and surprisingly big portions for a small-plates restaurant). We were too tired to stay up late and try any bars after that.

Today we’re gonna do the Field Museum (mostly because I want to see Sue) and wander Mil Park. Other items on the agenda include the aquarium, planetarium (gf has never been to one), Skydeck at the Willis (Sears) Tower, and cocktails at 360 Chicago as recommended by PVN.

Topolobampo is right by our hotel but isn’t really our style, we’re not the fine dining types. Looks cool though.