Travel Addicts/Advice Thread

There’s a guy on my flight who is wearing a “starting strength” tshirt who looks like he’s never done a squat in his life.

Seems fine. Most people doing Starting Strength shouldn’t look like they lift. It is a beginners program designed to only last 6 months max before the trainee needs to find an intermediate program. You can make some significant bodyweight changes in 6 months, but if you eat at a caloric deficit, You’re Not Doing The Program.

I routinely wear Eleiko and Hookgrip shirts, but I’m medically not allowed to lift anymore. So maybe I’m biased :joy:


ha, that might have been me a few years ago. nowadays, i can’t stand SS because of the caloric surplus and riptoe may actually be full maga. not sure which aspect i have a bigger problem with

Makes more sense than a “finished strength” shirt.

Somewhere between MSP/CLT(really?)/PUJ someone went through our 1 checked bag and stole my wife’s jewelry. Yeah. Nothing expensive I don’t think.

Absolutely god awful internet here hopefully because of hurricane IDK.

At least most of the women here look like AOC?

An auspicious start!


:thinking: well the upload went fast…

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bored so

we were “bingoed” by our shuttle driver which means he questioned why we (childfree, mid 40s M early 40s F) don’t have kids. Best response?

  • “we’re really into anal lately”
  • “I can’t have children” long pause “the judge was VERY clear about that”
  • “(wife, tearful) I’ve had 7 miscarriages”

0 voters

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Never heard of being “bingoed” until this post. I mean I’ve seen it happen, I just didn’t know that is what it was called.

Hadn’t heard of it either!



Never knew there was a word for it either.

Probably best to make up a story about your penis getting severed by the blades of a helicopter or something like that.

We’re heading to Chicago and St. Louis next week, just for a quick trip to two cities we’ve never been to. Any must-dos for first-timers? TBH we’ll probably just hit the main attractions because we’re pretty basic and just have a few days in each, but open to other ideas. We’ll be going to a baseball game at each stadium just to check those boxes.

Into beer at all?

in chicago you should absolutely do the architecture boat tour. it sounds hokey and normie but it’s 100% worth it, especially if the weather is good.

If you’re actually into architecture, there’s a lot of really good stuff inside the loop away from the river as well, in particular the Rookery building (this is a must see IMO) and Monadnock building.

I highly recommend getting some SKIP BAYLESS TACOS as well, and Al’s #1 beef.

Cocktails up on top of the Hancock Building.

Pizza is a divisive topic, I’m partial to Lou’s if you’re doing deep dish but I personally prefer the tavern style pizza, there are a million places with good pizza.

A lot of people brag about the donut scene in chicago but personally I found it kind of mid.

I’m into beer, she not so much but would be glad to go to a brewery.

hokie and normie, you say? that’s right up our alley


+1 to this. Just did this a few weeks ago. The weather was perfect, guide was really knowledgable and entertaining, and it was a cool way to see the city.

Awesome thanks! That had been recommended to us by a friend as well, sounds really cool

STL has some of the best breweries in the country.

Side Project: They make some of the best BBA beers on the planet. Plenty of other styles that are all done incredibly well. They are the sister brewery to Perennial in which you also can’t go wrong with.

Urban Chestnut: Ex AB guy that has mastered traditional German styles. They have a giant beerhall in The Grove (I used to live here) in which you could easily come waste a few hours walking along the main road. This brewery is a lot of fun and has really good vibes. Family friendly. Plenty of shops, food, cocktails in this neighborhood. Make sure and go to The Grove location and not the midtown one.

Others I would recommend that are a step below these 3 but still worth visiting if you are nearby.

Schlafly (OG craft brewery in the city)
Four Hands
Civil Life

Can’t recommend Side Project and Urban Chestnut enough.

Since you are going to Busch Stadium I would going to Broadway Oyster Bar before or after. Awesome oysters and atmosphere. Ballpark Village is also there - it’s probably worth checking out before if you want but I remember not being that impressed when it first opened. That was years ago though.

Kids? If so, you’ve got to check out City Museum.