Travel Addicts/Advice Thread

There’s always the possibility the dress code simply exists so the business can remove Black people selectively.

This is a significant percentage of dress codes in USA#1.

All the more reason for this

Going to Yellowstone/Tetons tomorrow. Other than the stuff I already know, any tips or things off the tourist beaten path we should make sure to do?

That’s definitely possible but I’d argue it’s more of a class/income thing.

I mean khakis, shirt, and closed-toe shoes isn’t that rough of a dress code.

I strongly recommend not falling in a hot spring.

Yeah I can see that. It’s best in small doses imo. But I’m always happy to go back just for the food. And it’s nice for quick stays because it’s so easy get downtown from the airport.

That’s going to take a lot of the fun out of the trip for me now.

Food was incredible. But didn’t enjoy the food poisoning I got after indulging in it (possibly because of drinking a bit of ill-advised water).

The worst part of Bangkok though, was the constant scheming and badgering by locals to separate me from my hard-earned Baht.

Not that I blame them one bit, given the wealth gap, but it did make the experience far less pleasant than it might have otherwise been.

Enjoyed Ko Samui more. Would like to return some day and explore other parts of Thailand though.

I mean that’s how it is when travelling in developing countries though. More touts, more small-time scams, more hustlers is how it is.

Just gotta hold the line when negotiating with those hookers.

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If I had gone in that direction on that trip, I wouldn’t be living in Japan with my then-future wife today.

Maybe next trip…

This seems excessive.

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My perfect 10am flight to Mexico City was changed to 6am. :harold:

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I’m flying TIJ->MEX->PXM next month and my flight to Mexico City was moved up 9 hours from 9am to Midnight! Changed it to leave a day earlier because I was not about to land at 4am then have an 11 hour layover.

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I have an extended break at the end of October (26th to 30th). About enough time for a trip to a city.

Looking at Oslo. Anybody got any positive reviews on it?

EDIT: Also considering Tirana.

(Starts browsing european real estate)

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I mean, yes? Like, I have one kid with 2 years left in high school and then I would absolutely move to fucking amsterdam or copenhagen

I have the ability to get an EU passport, I really need to be booking that shit

I haven’t been, but I have literally never heard a single traveler say anything overly enthusiastic about Oslo. From what I’ve gathered it’s relatively small, not lots of cool touristy stuff to do, maybe some decent museums, very expensive and lacking the charm of most European capitals. Going to Norway for Oslo sounds not ideal…