TopShot and other NFTs Part II: Electric Boondoggle

cryptopunks is the nerd version of a sports car for people with too much money status symbol who think they’re impressing people when it only impresses douchebags and everyone else correctly realizes they’re just dumb dudes with money who are clearly compensating for something.

but everything including TS is currently stonking again so lol

and yes I’m sure over half of them aren’t paying taxes on that stuff like they’re supposed to


Talking like a classic non-cryptodickbutter


people in here hate facts

meanwhile Lamelo Cool Cats is now 4.5k

we just like dickbutts

was there a big nft thing today? my entire feed is about Tom Brady NFTs and wizards shit i’m out of the loop. Are you all getting rich on discord?

Draftkings released their first NFTs. A bunch of Tom Brady releases coded by color for rarity. I bought a $12 one. I’d have to imagine it’s worth about $50k by now.

I got 3 out of the 5 dropped today. $12, $50, and $100. Current low asks for them are $198, $396, and $1490 respectively and I own #4402/5k, #1206/1500, and #177/375. Do I hold?


Correction: low ask for the last one is up to $1,900 currently. Wtf.


how the hell did you get so lucky?! I was 20000 for the last one

also can you guys please post here when there’s a major drop?

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I’ve been completely ignoring their emails. Damn.

I got 1.0 and law partner got a 2.0 and Ruby #12 ticket and sold it for 12,120.


what you just made 12k?!

did you make a ton of profiles to join multiple queues or just run super hot?

Not me, my law partner/friend. I got a Brady 1.0 so made like $200.

is @goofyballer already sniping the draftkings marketplace?

my guess is that the price of these access NFTs will drop after Friday’s drop ends. Currently they have a utility of giving VIP access to those rarer autograph drops (if i read that correctly), after Friday they won’t have that.

there are more on Friday

Tom Brady Signature Drops (8/13)

Collectible Name Edition Count Price Drop Time (EST)
Tom Brady Carbon Signed 100 $250.00 3:00 PM
Tom Brady Platinum Signed 100 $250.00 4:00 PM
Tom Brady Emerald Signed 50 $500.00 5:00 PM
Tom Brady Sapphire Signed 25 $750.00 6:00 PM
Tom Brady Ruby Signed 12 $1,500.00 7:00 PM

thanks you are the only one itt who will not burn in hell

How do they even have that? There were 350 Ruby tickets and 12 ruby nfts Friday. It’s access to some later less rare drop.

also there were 20k ahead of me in que today, i don’t think my odds of getting #100 edition are very high. my guess it will be 50k in line.