TopShot and other NFTs Part II: Electric Boondoggle

it’s definitely a joke, big things coming my ass

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They’re very good at saying stuff that makes people buy in the mp as a huge trick on the customer base (trade ticket stuff but not for months was a classic).

they did start advertising and all of that was the same twitter shit they’ve pumped so far already so it’s already completely saturated and some youtube/facebook ads

needed ads during the games but they can’t do that because they know their systems can’t handle current traffic much less #YOLO but with declining values across the board idk what else they can do, it’s clearly bleeding. Dumping all those things that should be a buck and will need to be burned by next season cause nobody is going to care about a 40k scrub.

But part of this was gonna happen anyway–topps is getting massacred in value as well and topps hasn’t added any net cards.

I’ve stated repeatedly has to be a balance of new packs to get people in and not saturating the market but it’s still gonna go down regardless for now, people just aren’t gonna spend money on this stuff right now like they did. It’s not new anymore.

Also crypto getting wrecked hurts a lot across the entire NFT space.


It sort of makes sense to wait to start marketing for real until the MP is done crashing. Bringing in new users only to have the market continue to fall so they lose half their investment is not a good way to keep new users. Problem of course is that without new users we may never reach a bottom.

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maybe not weeks with the playoffs going on with guys on teams still in then–you know this site. Whoever wins the finals will probably skyrocket that day.

but in july when there’s no basketball and everyone’s not home? seems impossible to me to hold any value there.

And they intend to have series 3 contained between end of finals and start of next season iirc. That’ll definitely sell well.

Don’t forget to get free $16.

First ever Eternal Packs at 2am and 3pm PST.

If you know, you know

I don’t know :(

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thisisfine.gif going on at topshot/dapper labs right now

Is that Roham’s wife or mom?


yo dawg


so, topshot figured out to make people own a ton of moments just to get packs that would make a ton of people buy in the marketplace.

Kudos to them, they’re so good at boosting mp sales out of nowhere.
Also the negativity in the discord is mostly gone back to the shillers/kiss assers. Despite the fact that people with websites off site who can’t have more than a few people working on them are doing things better than their entire supposed team of god knows how many people they claim they’re paying we’re back on team :rocket: for now.

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cool cat set is higher now than it was during the low point of the challenge and it’s still rocketing up (plus lamelo is 1450 LA so it was major profit if you did it and didn’t dump asap like a fool)

gimmicks work

edit–lamelo is now 2k LA 12 hours later

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Saw a Top Shot ad on Facebook.

Need a 2500 score for today. I’m 392 lmao. nba nfts dead.

lol 2500. I’ve bought a whole bunch of packs, sold a bunch of cards, and still have 25 in my collection and my score is only 308. Sorry I haven’t bought a few hundred more Michael Carter-Williams cards in the marketplace.

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I should probably just dump the moments I have while the LA is $3

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