TopShot and other NFTs Part II: Electric Boondoggle

lol a bron and a 4k FM with a THREE DIGIT serial


buncha new millionaires itt


Lol my pack. An Evan Fournier travel and 2 He Who Shall Not Be Named blocks.

Did I just get my 2nd -EV pack in only 4 packs?

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Tillman is a rookie who might make the 2nd all rookie team too

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WCS? he’s only 12k so no

well all of them are in these packs so maybe

Whiteside, apparently that joke isn’t as well known as I thought.

provides help side support is a block okay

when epic MP dump

only 500 of that 4k LE is in this too not gonna be a big dump of them like some others. commons are gonna be 10k+ each. 1500 of the 12k’s

Grunching from before the pack redemption. I got the worst pack, right?

Meb worse i think

he def gets bonus points for the double

before reopening the Marketplace gradually on a randomized basis.

ugh, that shit again

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Friend got

Duncan Robinson
Delone Wright
Devonte Graham

Lol that is straight garbage. Feel bad for him because he doesn’t have much for moments or cash on the site



me waiting to buy all the lebrons


one every 90 minutes of course

how much do you think the challenge card gonna end up? $25ish at the moment

How are people already listing I’m not able to

marketplace gradually rolling back on?

It’s open for me if I wanted to list

Are you able to buy?