TopShot and other NFTs Part II: Electric Boondoggle

the fact that the bot only buys the stupid value and not all the value is so amazingly dumb


Itā€™s basically the potripper scenario of not being able to fold J high when they could see the other dudes hole cards.

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itā€™s kinda the opposite though. he should buy literally 5000 cards a day. thereā€™s no reason snubhub and mikey should get any cards if markjay5 can buy them 10 seconds faster

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muk going for the thinnest of value

Yeah I just enjoy testing my speed tbh. I know I have zero chance of getting a monent that could even flip $5 at this point. Ah well in for $9 so I can take a few haircuts.

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y no bip rayvin

im about to topple over, this one last buy thing has lasted for over an hour

Complete idiot question as I have no idea how any of this is working
Iā€™ve got a couple of SS that donā€™t seem to be part of any challenge a Jaylen Brown steal and Domantis Sabonis layup. LA is 237on one 199 on the other. When are these likely to start dropping in value, and why are they going up if not part of a challenge
Makes no odds as I havenā€™t got a US bank account so canā€™t withdraw anyway, even if withdrawals were a thing

As an aside I have watched more basketball in the last 2 weeks than in the rest of my life combined. all in 3 second bursts

Itā€™s likely a LBJ challenge similar to the KD one will follow the KD one, they just donā€™t want like 5 challenges running at once and want to spread them out until we get to the playoffs.

That said, no one knows for sure.

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i love the graveyard shift. got a randle ss for 150

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i got bored and probably lit like 50 bux on fire, trying to see if any of the 20% undervalued 15k cards that used to be good can be flipped

28s on that curry

Ugh at least some bots are choosey. Mikey buys everything including some real shit.

i fucking owned myself on a xxx/15k curry, so so dumb, going to end up eating close 100 dollar loss on it

Yeah seems like all the non-SS big ticket items are crashing. I have two 2-digit terrance rossā€™ lol

i think it was you didn you turn over a 15k AD just now

wait for rush hour tomorrow

it was slow so i picked up a GA for 140, Murray for 50 and Steph xxx for 299 = microprofit, microloss, $75 min hit

Nope. Oh turned over Giannis for a massive $2.10

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burn in hell mikey

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